zay/fanofsilibus wrote:Riding the Wave is Skeith, the Shadow of Death, to drown all that stands." Skeith was a program designed to collect data on human emotions and reactions to death for the ultimate AI. "Skeith" means "Shadow" in Old Scottish
very interesting skeiht(shadow) haseo a pkkk adept rouge wiht black(shadowy)clothing also he seems to fallow pks and triedge almost like a "shadow" hmmm
"Mirage of Deceit, Innis, Betray all with the flawed image, and did aid the Wave." Innis was a program designed to collect data on human reactions to deceit. "Innis" is a pun on the Latin word meaning "Meaningless". This would seem to make sense as Innis appears to be the mold or outline of something.
meaningless exactly what atoli thinks of her role in the first game and same wiht haseo
"And by the Power of Magus, a drop from the Wave doth reach the heavens, and creates a new WaveMagus is a program designed to collect data on the human need to procreate and preserve the species.
The Magi (plural form of Magus) were a tribe from ancient Media. Three famous Magi were the Three Wise Men, most likely making Magus another biblical reference. comment sorry
"With the Wave, Fidchell, the power to tell the dark future, hope darkens, sadness and despair rule." "Like a frenzied horse that is driven. An unseen wind of plague shrieks across the border. Pandemonium, wailing, and stench of carnage fills the air. There is no place to run. No hope of escape. Those who are mourned will never return. The hands of time cannot be turned back."
Fidchell is a program designed to collect data on the human concept of unavoidable fate. Fidchell is a Celtic version of chess, and according to legends it often has a mystical or divinatory aspect to it. Battles ebb and flow as a result of a game of fidchell.
chess... again very intersting almost the same way as though yata of fidchell the prophet seems to "play his pawns" and uses a lot of strategy as though hes ina game of chess
"Gorre schemes when swallowed by the Cursed Wave." Gorre is a program designed to collect data on human cruelty.
Gorre is another spelling of Gór, a character of Norse legend who was always seen with his brother Nór, hence there are two separate parts of him.
hmmm two brothers well saku sometimes has an attitude of a tough boy (lol) but yes siblings like saku and bo
"Macha seduces with the sweet trap." In the Epitaph of Twilight, Macha sets a trap for the enemies of the Cursed Wave. Macha is a program designed to collect data on human affection (but only that which arises from unrequited love). Macha, who is a Celtic war goddess, and the sister of the Celtic goddess Morrigan, or Morganna comment on the war except that she seems to have people starta war wiht someone who gets to close to her endrance(although her macha cat was filled with aida) sadi she gets bored without to much violence-as for the i even have to say it
• "Wave reaches the Pinnacle, and escape none can. Tarvos still remains with more cruelty to punish and destroy." In the Epitaph of Twilight, Tarvos stands ready to cruely and mercilessly strike down anyone who manages to escape from the Wave, although it seems that no one can. Tarvos is a program designed to collect data on human jealousy, revenge, and other dark emotions. Tarvos means "bull", and is a bovine deity in some pantheons. It is also the name of one of Saturn's moons.
hmm bull... well no comment except for pi and her avatar seem to have horns some bull except they come out of the back plus she seems to run over anyone who aggravates her lol
"And with the turbulent destruction after the Wave. Only a void remains. From deep within the void arrives Corbenik." Corbenik completes the perfect AI by collecting the human emotions towards the meaning of life and death and the purity within their hearts.