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Patch v1.01

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:15 pm
by Lindz

This should be out in japan by now at the very least. Dunno about other parts of the world yet! Using a quick cheap machine translation this patch seems ta fix the following issues:

- Vol.1: a game stopping bug early in the game when doing guild shop stuff for Gaspard.
- Vol.1: the Camera A/B & B/A options may not have been working as intended. They will now!
- Vol.1/2/3: Apparently theres a bug which makes the Hotoku & BlackRose mails not show up. After the update they'll arrive in the players mail. If ya are already on Vol.2/3 those mails will show up in the mail archives!
- Vol.2: the "Exchange" bug reguarding 5 star equipment is fixed!
- Vol.3: there was some kind of progress halting bug during a fight against a certain boss (dunno which) thats gotten fixed.

If any other known (or unknown!) bugs/errors got fixed... I dunno! Personally I only knew about the fourth one on this list an the rest are news to me! But there are a good deal more issues than these to be sure! Hope they keep plugging away!

Re: Patch v1.01

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:18 pm
by Lindz
This is out in North America on PS4 as of today. I'd guess the same things as the JP version fixed apply but the following is all I can personally confirm since at least on PS4 there are no patch notes. >.>

- Vol.1: Skills no longer have descriptions aside from those in Haseo's skill trigger menu O_o (not present in Vol.2/3 HD)
- Vol.1/2: There's a translation error which says you can Alchemize equipment which are up to 20 levels apart (a feature introduced in the original Vol.3). However if you try to do this, you'll be told you can't because Alchemized equipment only works with a 10 level difference between them.
- Vol.2: While in the Guild or Platform storage menu attempting to "Exchange" a 5 star ranked item will cause controller buttons to became unresponsive leaving the player stuck there and forced to quit out of the game with the PS button. (not present in Vol.3 HD)
- Vol.2: The level requirement for Spin Indigo is incorrect. It says 61 while actually being 62.

Still many other bugs/errors unaccounted for which, on the bug end is kinda hard to verify since they may or may never happen for you. Various text errors are easy ta check though an all seem ta be unfixed as of yet!

Re: Patch v1.01

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:38 am
by Vallen
I actually had a good list for Vol 1 and 2 of bugs and glitches, but then I stopped playing the game last December when I got to Vol 3 due to other things that came up. I'll eventually finish and post it, but I doubt CC2 cares about patching the game it seems lol.