Not only that, but in examining Gimmicks further I see that you can put any item in any chest in any special dungeon (it Does have to be chests though, breakable objects don't count). There's nothing to it really, all you need to do is define an applicable treasure and voila!
The game also has an Awful lot of dummied magic portals/breakable objects/chests. In just Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field there's a treasure chest at the stairwell and several barrels to break in the hallway leading to the Gott Statue.
It may also be that Gott Treasures that are undefined can be manipulated, but I haven't tested that theory yet, I'd see no reason why they wouldn't be able to be modified though.
I'll look into it when our course brings us that far. As for now i wanted to make sure we had All of the information on the game's inner workings and treasures obtained and monsters to fight seem a pretty large part of that.
While this doesn't include the other objects, it does gives a decent map and an easy way to go about it.
Here is where a program would probably be very useful for any aspiring modder.
Code: Select all
dot hack
specialty treasure chests...
Gott Treasure Defined
00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
14 00 00 00 01 00 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Gott Treasure Undefined
00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Chests Defined
01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 12 58 00 00 EA 34 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 52 00 00 00 00 00
NOTE: If you want to find the Gott Statue Treasure to any main dungeon, jump to the dungeon
gimmicks and go up one line. It will be there.
Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field
65D014 - Steel Blades (Gott Treasure) (01003100)
65D020 - Speed Charm (38004400) - Top Right Room of B1
65D060 - Resurrect (05005200) - Entrance
65D180 - Resurrect (05005200) - Left Room of B2
65D1A0 - Healing Potion (01005200) - Right Room of B2
Expansive Haunted Sea of Sand
65D7E4 - Gott Treasure? (Test when you reach that area)
----------------(Nothing Defined)-------------------------
Boundless Corrupted Fort Walls
-----------------(Nothing Defined)-------------------
31 - Twin Blades
32 - Blades
33 - HeavyBlades/Katana
34 - Axes
35 - Spears
36 - Staves
3F - (Invalid)
40 - (Invalid)
41 - Armor
42 - Legwear
43 - (Invalid)
44 - Spells
45 - Key Items
46 - (Invalid)
47 - Gloves
48 - Headwear
49 - (Invalid)
4A - (Invalid)
4B - (Invalid)
4C - (Invalid)
4D - (Invalid)
4E - (Invalid)
4F - (Invalid)
52 - Healing Items
53 - (Invalid)
54 - Trade Items
55 - Stat Books
56 - (Invalid)
57 - (Invalid)
58 - Fortune Wire/Sprite Ocarina/Fairy's Orb (00/01/02)
65CE9C - 2nd Floor Start
65CEE8 - 2nd Floor Hallway
65CF34 - 2nd Floor Left Room
65CF80 - 2nd Floor Right Room
0100000 - Floor the Room will appear on. Crucial! Do Not Forget!!
Each room appears to be 4C Bytes long.
EDIT: Skeith Event done, I'll just repost the whole of the dungeon's events to not separate them.
Code: Select all
Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field Dungeon - 318530
0100 - Game where it takes place
0200 - Third Chain in main line (Odd, since I had thought that FFFF referred to a +1 in chain?)
0000 - Yield
FEFF04000500 - Gameplay type the event is taking place in?
FEFF090000000E000000 - Something with the field.
FEFF0300040000000000 - I believe area (dungeon or field) where event should take place.
100002000200 - Dealing with unique speech
04000000 - ??
---------------------------------------------------(End of Event)------------------------
Speaking with Orca.
FEFF030004000100 - Where event takes place?
0D00020002000000 - Something to deal with talking to Orca?
1200 - Stops all action.
06000D00 - "Whenever you want me to do something..."
13000400 - Return to normal gameplay (in this circumstance)
0000 - Yield
-------------------------------------------------(End of Event)----------------------------
Skeith chasing Aura cutscene
FEFF030002000000 - ?? (Has to be in dungeon?)
FEFF050001000000 - Room where the event will take place in the dungeon
0A000300 - Skeith chasing Aura cutscene
0000 - Yield
-------------------------------------------------(End of Event)------------------------------
Dead End Room
FEFF05000600 - Room where the event will take place in the dungeon.
FEFF030004000100 - ??
1200 - Stops all action.
06001500 - "It's a dead end. That girl..."
13000000 - Return to normal gameplay
------------------------------------------------(End of Event)
Orca's Treasure Chest Tutorial
FEFF05000400 - Room where the event will take place in the dungeon.
FEFF030004000100 - ??
1200 - Stop all action.
3000 - Camera Focus on Orca (14 Bytes)
06000000 - "Now we can start exploring the dungeon!"
06000100 - "One thing you need to remember..."
06000200 - "To Gate Out and return to the town..."
06000300 - "The Sprite Ocarina will warp you..."
91000A008000 - Blackout transition screen.
05000A00 - Wait
460000E5055908000 - Kite being warped.
4600 (10 Bytes) - Orca being warped.
4800 - Makes actors focus on one another. (10 Bytes)
3000 - Camera focusing on Orca and Kite (14 Bytes)
1B000200020000000A00 - ??
420000000100 - Deals something with the treasure chests in this case.
9A000000 - Targets Treasure Boxes
92000F000000 - Blackout transition.
05000F00 - Wait
06000E00 - "This is the treasure box..."
06000F00 - "You should know that there are two types..."
96005400 - Opening Orca Tutorial Treasure Box.
05003C00 - Wait
92000A008000 - Blackout transition
05000A00 - Wait
4600 - Transport Kite (10 Bytes)
4600 - Transport Orca (10 Bytes)
4800 - Makes Actors focus (10 Bytes)
3000 - Camera focusing on Orca and Kite (14 Bytes)
1B00020002000A00 - ??
92000F00 - Blackout transition
0000 - Yield
05000F00 - Wait
06001100 - "This one's booby-trapped."
06001200 - "Just use the Fortune Wire on it..."
7B00 - Orca using a Fortune Wire
08001300 - "Orca used the Fortune Wire!"
96005500 - Opening Orca's Tutorial Trapped Treasure Box.
3100 - ??
1300 - Return to normal gameplay.
----------------------------(End of Event)----------------------------------
Battle Room Tutorial - Set up
FEFF05000200 - Room where the event will take place in the dungeon.
FEFF0300000000000 - ??
7500 - Places Magic Portal (14 bytes)
0C000000820064000100 - Spawn Goblin in Magic Portal
0000 - Yield
Battle Room Tutorial
1200 - Stop all action.
9E00 - Seems to deal something with the gates that fall, but aren't Actually the gates that fall.
2800 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
05000100 - Wait
9F00 - Also seems to deal with the gates.
2A0002000200 - ?? (Something with Orca clearly)
2900 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
1E00 - Kill All enemies to proceed
1E00 - ...Kill all enemies to proceed. (There's no reason for two. Must have been a coding error, in fact there's no reason for one. Since it is a normal dungeon room it doesn't use anything special to end the event in the first place)
05001E00 - Wait
06000400 - "Better watch out, were trapped..."
06000500 - "In the dungeon, there are rooms..."
2A0002000200 - ??
2900 - Camera Command (14 Bytes) (Is this one 16 bytes?!)
06000600 - "The only way to get out of a trap..."
06000700 - "All right. Let's charge to that magic portal!"
3100 - Return camera
1300 - Return to gameplay.
0000 - Yield
-----------------------------------------(End of Event)--------------------------------
Gott Statue Tutorial
FEFF05000500 - Play in Gott Statue Room
0000 - Yield
8A00000100 - ??
1200 - Stop all action.
2800 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
06000800 - "This is the room where the statue is."
2A000002000200 - Something with Orca
2900 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
1E00 - Maybe... 1E00 means more than "kill all enemies" because this is in the Gott Statue room.
1E00 - " "
06000900 - "There's only one of 'em..."
2900 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
14001400 - Hmm... I'm starting to think Camera Commands can reach up to 16 Bytes.
06000A00 - "That's enough adventure for now..."
3000 - Focus Camera behind Kite (14 Bytes)
06000B00 - "If we had a Sprite Ocarina..."
06000C00 - "So we gotta go back the way we just came."
3100 - Return camera
1300 - Return to gameplay.
0000 - Yield
-------------------------------------------------------(End of Event)----------------------
Skeith Cutscene ?Preparation?
203187AC -
FEFF05000300 - Room where event will occur (though there's no floor mentioned, hrmm...)
FEFF0A000000 - ??
010000000 - ??
FEFF0300040001000000 - ??
1200 - Stop All Action
910001000080 - Blackout transition
05000200 - Wait
650003000000 - Mode of Play (Cutscene)
FEFF04000200 - ??
FEFF03000200 - ??
00000000 - ??
72000300 - ??
0A000400 - Aura giving Orca the Book of Twilight
0A000500 - Skeith fighting Orca
0A000600 - Kite being given the Book of Twilight
53000200 - Makes Orca unreachable by Flash Mail
0100FFFF - +1 to Chain?
0100 - Game
0300 - 4th Chain on Main line?
5C000E00 - Lift the Checkmark from Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field
650003000000 - Mode of Play (Cutscene)
FFFF - +1 to Chain?
-----------------------(End of Event)------------------------------
Code: Select all
BlackRose and Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground - 318810
Skeith Aftermath - 318810
0100 - Game
0400 - Chain in Main Line
0000 - ??
FEFF04000200 - ??
A0000800 - ?Sound Effect? (Really unsure on this one)
00000001 - ??
FFFF - +1 Chain?
6B000600 - Receive Email (Server Maintenance)
09000000 - "What was wrong with Yasuhiko?"
09000100 - "I wanted to ask him but he wouldn't..."
09000C00 - "And then..."
09000200 - "The next day, I found out that..."
09000300 - "I rushed to the hospital, but they..."
09000400 - "But I guess it's better this way..."
09000500 - "But... what the hell happened to him?"
09000600 - "I have a feeling that the key to it..."
53000100 - Makes Mia unreachable by Flash Mail
53000200 - Makes Orca unreachable by Flash Mail (was Anyone paying attention?)
53000600 - Makes Balmung unreachable by Flash Mail
53000800 - Makes Piros unreachable by Flash Mail
53000900 - Makes Wiseman unreachable by Flash Mail
53000A00 - Makes Elk unreachable by Flash Mail
53000F00 - Makes BlackRose unreachable by Flash Mail
53001000 - Makes Mistral unreachable by Flash Mail (Helba still seems accepted, odd)
57000200 - ?? Presumably something with Orca??
5D0000000F003B000100 - Receiving the Book of Twilight Key Item
0000 - Yield
------------------------------------(End of Event)---------------------------
Visiting "The World" Log-in Screen
FEFF04000300 - ??
FEFF02000000 - ??
0000 - ??
6A00020000 - Forum Post to fill in (Coma)
0E000600000040 - Places restrictions on action (Log In in this case)
FEFF030004000100 - ??
0E000600000000 - Plays message on Action (Log in in this case)
08000700 - "Thank you for visiting "The World"..."
08000800 - "All services are currently unavailable due..."
08000900 - "We apologize for any inconvenience..."
05000A00 - Wait
770004000000 - Allow event to repeat
0E000700000000 - Plays message on Action
06000A00 - "I should post on the board about Yasuhiko..."
0000 - Yield
------------------------------------------(End of Event)------------
Receiving Aura Email
FEFF04000200 - ??
FEFF030000000000 - ??
12000600 - Must read email (Server Maintenance)
11000200 - Must read Forum Post (Coma)
00000000 - Yield (until the above two are complete?)
6B000700 - Receive Email (Ple%[*( (Normal Aura e-mail))
0000 - Yield
---------------------(End of Event)----------------------
Reading Aura Email
FEFF04000200 -
FEFF030004000100 -
12000700 - Must read email (Ple%[*)
0000 - Yield
06000B00 - "Who sent this? I can't read it."
0000 - Yield
---------------------(End of Event)----------------------
Remove restrictions
FEFF0300000 - ??
0000 - ??
12000700 - Must read email (Ple%[*()
0000 - Yield
0F000600000000100 - Remove restrictions on logging in.
FFFF0000 +1 Chain?
FFFF0000 +1 Chain?
00000000000000000000 - Padding
-------------------------------(End Main Line Event)--------------------
0100 - Main Game
0A00 - ...Chain? (That doesn't make sense here though_
0400 - ??
05000000 - Wait... 0 ticks?
0000 - Yield
8A000800 - ??
0000 - Yield
8A000000 - ??
00000000 - Yield?
--------------------------(End of Event)----------------
Meeting BlackRose (Setup?)
FEFF07000000 - ??
FEFF03000000 - ??
00000A000800 - ??
00000000 - ??
0000 - Yield
0B0002000F0007000100 - Spawning BlackRose
100002000F00 - Special Speech from Blackrose
10000D001000 - Prevents the Chaos Gate from working when you go to it, giving priority to BlackRose's interruption.
0400 - ??
0000 - Yield
-------------------------(End of Event)----------------------
Meeting BlackRose
FEFF03000200 - ??
00000000 - ??
0A000700 - Meeting BlackRose
4100 - Maybe makes Kite automatically appear instead of gating in?
-------------------(End of Event)---------------------------
BlackRose Backup
FDFF0100 - ??
0000 - Yield
FEFF07000000 - ??
010100000A0008 - ??
00030002000000 - ??
0B0002000F0006000500 - Spawning BlackRose (used if you get to her standing by the Chaos Gate and then Log Out.)
100002000F00 - Special speech for BlackRose
10000D001000 - Prevents the Chaos Gate from working.
0400 - ??
0000 - Yield
-----------------------------------(End of Event)-------------------
BlackRose at Chaos Gate (Initial)
FEFF030004000100 - ??
FEFF0A000800 - ??
1200 - Stop All Action
410000000500 - ...?
2800 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
05003C00 - Wait
06002700 - "(I guess I'll get my gear first...) Of Note: The line before this (2600) is "Are you sure? You'll never get another chance like this!" Which appears to be an unused line from BlackRose.
3C000F000000 - Makes BlackRose stop when she is speaking with you. Otherwise she'll run off.
3100 - Return Camera
1300 - Return to Gameplay
0000 - Yield
0D0002000F00 - Responds to BlackRose (actor defined)
0000 - Yield
1200 - Stop all action.
3C000F000200 - ??
48000F0002000000 - Makes characters focus on one another.
40000600 - Seems to somehow be related to interacting with PC's during events.
0000 - Yield
3C000F000000 - ??
1300 - Return to normal gameplay
04000000 - ??
0D000D001000 - Something with the Chaos Gate?
0000 - Yield
1200 - Stop all action
3C000F000200 - ??
43000F000600 - Warp Placement for BlackRose to appear at Chaos Gate
460000000FDFF69023C00 - Warp Placement for Kite to appear at a certain part of Chaos Gate.
4700000000800000 - Makes Kite look North.
3000 - Focus Camera on BlackRose (14 Bytes)
1B00 - ??
020000000E00 - ??
48000F000200020 - Makes BlackRose focus on Kite
0000 - Yield
4000 - ??
06000100 - "Wait a sec!"
480000002000F00 - Kite turns to look at BlackRose
4000 - ??
06000200 - "Yeah, you. I uh - I know some interesting..."
06000300 - "If you go with me, I'll tell you..."
06000400 - "Yes, by all means./Ah, maybe next time."
1300 - Return to normal gameplay.
0000 - Yield
1004000100 - If choice 1 was chosen
0000 - Yield
0700 - ??
1200 - Stop all action
06000500 - "Right on! That's the spirit!"
50000F00 - Gain BlackRose's member address
51000F00 - Makes BlackRose available
06000C00 - "The keywords are: Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground."
5A000F00 - Adds Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground to Area Words
5B000F00 - Adds a check mark next to " "
3100 - Return gameplay camera to normal
47000F00000800000 - Makes BlackRose look at Kite
1300 - Return to gameplay
7700 - Allow event to repeat?
0000 - Yield
1004000200 - If choice 2 was chosen.
0000 - Yield
0700 - ??
1200 - Stop all action
06000600 - "Fine. Be that way"
3100 - Return camera
47000F0000800000 - Makes BlackRose look in direction.
1300 - Return to normal gameplay
7700 - Allow event to repeat?
0000 - Yield
--------------------------------(End of Event)------------------------------------
Talking with BlackRose after refusing her.
FEFF0A0008000100 - ??
0000 - Yield
0D0002000F000000 - Special event dealing with BlackRose
1200 - Stop all action
3000 - Focus Camera on BlackRose (14 Bytes)
1B00 - ??
48000F0002000 - Makes BlackRose focus on Kite.
4000 - (Maybe a simultaneous action command?)
48000002000F00 - Makes Kite focus on BlackRose
4000 - ??
06000700 - "Oh, so you do want to..."
06000800 - "Yeah, I'll go. /On second thought, maybe not."
1300 - Return to normal gameplay.
(Repeat - This version is used if you communicate with the Chaos Gate rather than BlackRose)
04000000 - ??
0D000D001000 - ??
0000 - Yield
1200 - Stop all action
3000 - Focus Camera on BlackRose (14 Bytes)
1B00 - ??
020000000E00 - ??
48000F0002000000 - Makes Kite focus on BlackRose
4000 - ??
4800000002000F00 - Makes BlackRose focus on Kite
4000 - ??
06000700 - "Oh so you do want to..." (getting a bit of deja vu here...)
06000800 - "Yeah, I'll go. /On second thought, maybe not.
1300 - Return to normal gameplay
04000000 - ??
100008000100 - If choice 1
0000 - Yield
0700 - ??
1200 - Stop all action.
06000900 - "Well then, just say so in the first place!"
50000F00 - Add BlackRose's member address
51000F00 - Makes BlackRose available.
06000C00 - "The Keywords are Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground"
5A000F00 - Adds the words Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground
5B000F00 - Adds a checkmark to Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground
3100 - Return camera
1300 - Return to gameplay
7700 - I'm not sure anymore...
8A0008000200 -
0000 - Yield
100008000200 - If choice 2
0000 -Yield
0700 - ??
1200 - Stop all gameplay
06000A00 - "Just make up your mind already!"
3100 - Return camera
47000F0000800000 - Makes BlackRose look North.
1300 - Return to normal gameplay.
7700 - ??
04000000 - ??
------------------------(End of Event! Heavens they crammed that all into a single slot!)-----------
Chaos Gate interactions after you have BlackRose's member address
0200 - ??
0300 - ??
1800 - Camera Focus on actor (14 bytes)
0000 - Yield
17000F000 - Requires BlackRose
0000 - Yield
11000D001000 - ?? Seems to deal something with the Chaos Gate with BlackRose in the party.
14000F000100 - Field that you are demanded to go to.
(Used when speaking to Black Rose after having her Member Address)
04000000 - ??
0D0002000F00 - ??
1200 - Stop all action.
4800 - BlackRose focusing on Kite (8 bytes)
4000 - ??
06000D00 - "Hey, aren't we going to..."
1300 - Return to normal gameplay
(Used when going to the Chaos Gate without BlackRose in the party)
0400 - ??
3C000F0002000000 - Teleports BlackRose... I think, if such is the case it isn't really used considering she's always by the Chaos Gate at this point.
0D000D001000 - ??
1800 - Camera Focus on BlackRose(14 Bytes)
0000 - Yield
4000 - ??
06000E00 - "What are you doing? You have to add me..."
1300 - Return to normal gameplay
(Used when trying to warp somewhere else aside from Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground) NOTE: May have been where the "Are you sure? You'll never get another chance like this!" was intended.
04000000 - ??
17000F00 - Requires Blackrose
0C000F000100 - Seems to be another sort of requirement, The 1400 and this 0C00 command Must Match to load the field.
0000 - Yield
1200 - Stop all action
4800 - Blackrose focusing on Kite (8 bytes)
4000 - ??
06000D00 - "Hey, Aren't we going to..."
1300 - Return to normal gameplay.
3C000F000200 - ??
04000000 - ??
--------------------------------------(End of Event)----------------------
Seeing Hulle Granz from a distance.
FEFF080000000F00 - Field Designator where event will occur.
FEFF03000000000000 - ??
4100 - ??
FDFF060000000A000800 - ??
020000000000 - ??
100002000F00 - Special Speech designated to BlackRose
04000000 - ??
FEFF030004000100 - ??
0000 - ??
1200 - Stop all action
2B00 - Camera command (16 bytes?)
2B00 - Camera Command (16 Bytes?)
2B00 - Camera command (16 Bytes?)
2B00 - Camera Command (16 Bytes?)
2A00 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
0000 - Yield
05006400 - Wait
3C000F00030005005A00 - Teleport BlackRose
2800 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
05000100 - Wait
2A00 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
3000 - Focus Camera on BlackRose (10 Bytes)
06000F00 - "Whoa... this place is..."
4800000002000F000001 - Makes Kite look at Blackrose
05001400 - Wait
2800 - Camera Command (14 Bytes)
06001000 - "?"
06001100 - "Nevermind. Let's go. Well, are you..."
3100 - Return Camera
1300 - Return to Gameplay