SSJScygoku wrote:Tarsilo wrote:
I would like a new Versus well worked out and publicized, it would be a good idea .hack to have more fighting games in the Dragon Ball and Naruto style.
It would have been interesting to have launched The World as a real MMOPRG game, just needed to balance each class well, this could have given a great visibility to the franchise, besides being able to play a great game, I would love to play with a Wavemaster in a real game: P

Well if they ever did an anime for LINK I hope it would atleast be 26 episodes with perhaps an OVA or two so that they cover the main eras along with some fun cameos~
Hopefully the sales from Last Recode,not to mention all the flipping merch they released (and still are) will indicate that there is a viable market for .hack still and they just have to do something big although just re-releasing IMOQ would be a nice start xD
Yup alot of characters from G.U. were very popular and i'll assume the fans from IMOQ went onto G.U. so that probably helped the sales xD

Heck yeah especially since CC2 already make those fighting games it wouldn't be an issue to do a full .hack fighting game complete with tonnes of characters,items, cameos and references from the previous series~
They did do Quantum and Beyond the World,though the movie did link on to Versus xD But I see what you mean, having an anime thats not directly related to the games so people don't need it for background info though I'd say the anime flows better if it does feed into other medium xD
Given the sales of G.U. i'm not entirely sure why they didn't unless they thought LINK would've taken off more than it did, if only they made it for the consoles o-o
I'd think an actual The World wouldn't be all that interesting to modern gamers unless the base it on a later rendition of The World e.g. Force Era as back then it was just goto fields,get to the lowest level of dungeon and obtain a rare item. Unless they allow everyone to Gate Hack/Data Drain and be an existence that can work outside the normal boundaries of the normal system then people wouldn't be too interested,plus if everyone could use those skills the game would be broken in days xD
They would need to be tripping in mods/admins to control the players~
I do not know 26 episodes would be enough to explore all the timelines that were explored in the Link (being that GnU was not included taking out Raid's existence in the game, Fragment was just a small event, Lara's story was not included either addition, and I think it would be necessary to include GU volume 4 in the story).
I was happy with the sales of Last Recode, it might not have been a great number like selling 1 million copies, but 300k for a franchise that for almost a decade has not received more attention, it was very good, I hope they do not give up on .hack now .
Hopefully in case there is another .hack fighting game, be better used and of course, do not be in a hybrid again.
Exactly what I meant, I think to attract new fans with an anime, the ideal would be adaptations and not an extra material to the games.
I think the idea of a game like The World would have worked better by the time the franchise was at its peak, it would not be a dated game at the time, and over time it was just adapting to the actuality.
Well, I finally finished playing Link, I intended to leave all my teammates in the Xth form, however this requires a lot of time, and I was already getting tired of collecting virus core.
I do not quite understand why Sakaki is a twilight knight (and because he was used to unison adress, I wanted so much that they had put Hokuto, Carl and Ouka in the unison adress), I also do not know why Chimney is a twilight knight anymore the A-20 does not.
As I mentioned before, not everything was fully explored, GnU was only with the existence of Raid, not only the story was ignored, but also all the other characters in the work.
The Fragment part was summed up in an event that you just select path options that in the end seem to all come to the same place (and did not even make pictures for the old Hokuto and Balmung characters), Lara's story was not used, just quoted, which is a shame, because it would be an opportunity to know better a story that we did not have a chance to read.