Hacking .hack//Infection (Adding more Monster Variety!)

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Xu Yuan
Posts: 1207
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Hacking .hack//Infection (Adding more Monster Variety!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

While watching NakaTeleeli on youtube, one of the best .hack// LPer's I've ever seen, I started to get nostalgic for the old games. But after thinking on it for a while I couldn't just play a normal playthrough this time. I wanted to try something new. When I was younger I used to fantasize about playing as any other class but Twin Blade in the original games and now that I'm older and a fair amount smarter I set about making my dream a reality.

After a few hours of scrounging through the data I found what I had been looking for all of these years. And to my grand surprise it was held in one, single, byte. To put that in perspective in an absolute sea of data, classes are controlled by 00-05 with Twin Blade normally being 00. Each character has their own Stat table in the data, as one would guess and the last byte of their separate tables is their class. I was overjoyed when I found this. The way the game handles classes and weapons is strange though... to say the least.

As this is a PS2 game there is a lot of dynamic loading that you can check on while in the middle of testing. Say you have Amateur Blades equipped as a Twin Blade, while when you change your class to 02 (Heavy Blade) your equipped weapon will automatically change to the corresponding weapon type, in this case Amateur Blade turns into Adventurer. In addition your Armor Class will automatically change when you change your class, as you may have guessed. My greatest surprise however was seeing that Kite can support using every type of weapon, so nothing ever really looks off or funny, the only thing though is that when using the more Physical Classes, Kite will call out the wrong names for the attacks and likely do the animation of one of his Twin Blade attacks. Also the Level Up data is also the same, so even if you are a WaveMaster you will have a natural 99 Evade and 99 Accuracy by the end game.

Now I also happened upon a "Character Identifier" byte, which does gives you their corresponding level ups and equipment, but you can't change your equipment unless they're in the party and their skills are imprinted over yours. It is a real shame, but alas.

I wish I could have found the model pointer, but unlike G.U. I do not think that the original games take kindly to a change of leader.

So for those that want to enjoy an old game in a new way, There are five saves prepared, one for each different class (excluding Twin Blade, obviously)

Also here are a few notes if anyone wants to try and make sense of my pretty pathetic note taking (It's not up to Master ZED's talent, that's for sure.)
One set is for ARMAX, another for CodeBreakers, and the third is for an emulator.

It would be great to see these old games get some life again. Hopefully this foray will be just the beginning.

1 - CodeBreaker Save
2 - Action Replay Max Save
3 - PS2 Memory Card


Code: Select all

20A3F668 - Level of Field - (will not change in hex)
2072F756 - Amount of Keywords in Word List

20A2FA24 - Second Item in the Weapons Category.
20A2FA20 - Kite's Reserve Weapon.
20A4F628 - The name and model of Kite's weapon.
20A46F30 - Kite's Class! (With weapon and armor changes et al!!) 00 00 00 00 00 DC 41 02
20A46E66 - Kite's Level

218F85D0 - Kite's Current HP
218F85D2 - Kite's Current SP
218F85D4 - Kite's Max HP Bar?
218F85D6 - Kite's Max SP Bar?

20A3FA03 - Amount of Healing Potions

20A3FA0C - What is in the item slot? 

Four Bytes -

XXXX - Weapon XX
YY - Weapon Identification.
ZZ - Amount

00- Twin Blade
01- Blades
02- HeavyBlades
03- Heavy Axes
04- Spears
05- Staves
06- Helms
07- Armor
08- Gloves
09- Shoes
0A-FF- Erased Item

To find Phantom

02 00 00 XX-Held Amount in Hex


Four Bytes - 
XXXX - Item XX
0A - If the item is present, it will have this byte, any other number makes the item vanish.- This is used Special case items like Sprite Ocarina and Fortune Wire, if this byte is changed to a 0A they will turn into Health Drinks.
YY - Item Amount

*0A Item Classification*

00 - Health Drink
01 - Health Potion
02 - Healing Elixir
03 - Antidote
04 - Restorative
05 - Resurrect
06 - Warrior Blood
07 - Knight Blood
08 - Hunter Blood
09 - Hermit Blood
0A - Beast Blood
0B - Wizard Blood
0C - Well Water
0D - Pure Water
0E - Burning Oil
0F - Holy Sap
10 - Sports Drink
11 - Cooked Bile
12 - Mage's Soul
13 - Artisan's Soul
14 - Emperor's Soul 
15 - Noble Wine
16 - Risky Coffee
17 - Recovery Drink
18 - Raining Rocks (Sidenote - Curiously enough when these are in the Item category they will target teammates, interesting how one size fits all.)
19 - Raging Earth 
1A - Stone Storm
1B - Gaia's Spell
1C - Meteor Strike
1D - Cosmic Truth
1E - Ice Storm
1F - Ice Floe
20 - Ice Strike
21 - Cygnus
22 - Absolute Zero
23 - Permafrost
24 - Fire Tempest
25 - Meteor Swarm
26 - Flame Blast
27 - Fireball Storm
28 - Hellstorm
29 - Inferno Strike
2A - Green Gale
2B - Gale Breath
2C - Leafblight
2D - Wood Sprite
2E - Jungle Rage
2F - Forest of Fear
30 - Lightning Bolt
31 - Plasma Storm
32 - Ion Strike
33 - Raging Plasma
34 - Thunderbolt
35 - Plasma Gale
36 - Nightblight
37 - Dark Night
38 - Dark Traitor
39 - Chaos Spell
3A - Nightfear
3B - Nightshade
3C - The Death
3D - The Hanged Man
3E - The Lovers
3F - The Moon
40 - The Fool
41 - The Devil
42 - Warrior's Bane
43 - Knight's Bane
44 - Hunter's Bane
45 - Hermit's Bane
46 - Beast's Bane
47 - Wizard's Bane
48 - Stonebane
49 - Waterbane
4A - Firebane
4B - Treebane
4C - Lightbane
4D - Nightbane  
4E - Health Charm
4F - Soul Charm
50 - Speed Charm
51 - Light Cross
52 - Hale Cross
53 - Divine Cross
54 - Summon Earth
55 - Summon Water
56 - Summon Fire
57 - Summon Wood
58 - Summon Thunder
59 - Summon Night
5A - Stonecall
5B - Aquacall
5C - Infernocall 
5D - Greencall
5E - Thundercall
5F - Nightcall
60 - Power Book (Sidenote: The books do not raise stats when used in the Items slot.)
61 - Tolerance Book
62 - Insight Book
63 - Spiritual Book
64 - Graceful Book
65 - Swift Book
66 - Feng Shui
67 - Water Magic
68 - Fire Magic
69 - Wood Magic
6A - Thunder Magic
6B - Black Magic
6C - Secret: Might
6D - Secret: Rigid
6E - Secret: Awaken
6F - Secret: Reason
70 - Secret: Divine
71 - Secret: Thief
72 - Earthlore
73 - Sealore
74 - Firelore
75 - Forestlore
76 - Stormlore
77 - Darklore
78 - Piros' Diary
79 - BL Yokohama
7A - Book of Ideals
7B - Book of Ideas
7C - Secret: Sage
7D - Secret: Dreams
7E - Golden Grunty
7F - Silver Grunty
80 - Energy Sutras
81 - Spirit Sutras
82-9B - (Blank)
9C - Virus Core A
9D - Virus Core B
9E - Virus Core C 
9F - Virus Core D
A0 - Virus Core E
A1 - Virus Core F
A2 - Virus Core G
A3 - Virus Core H
A4 - Virus Core I  
A5 - Virus Core J
A6 - Virus Core K
A7 - Virus Core L
A8 - Virus Core M
A9 - Virus Core N
AA - Virus Core O
AB - Virus Core P
AC - Virus Core Q
AD - Virus Core R
AE - Virus Core S
AF - Virus Core T
B0 - Virus Core U
B1 - Virus Core V
B2 - Virus Core W
B3 - Virus Core X
B4 - Virus Core Y
B5 - Virus Core Z
B6 - Golden Egg 
B7 - Grunt Mints
B8 - Twilight Onion
B9 - Snaky Cactus
BA - Oh No Melon
BB - Cordyceps
BC - White Cherry
BD - Root Vegetable
BE - La Pumpkin
BF - Mushroom
C0 - Mandragora
C1 - Piney Apple 
C2 - Immature Egg
C3 - Bear Cat Egg
C4 - Invisible Egg
C5 - Bloody Egg
C6 - Epitaph 00
C7 - Epitaph 01
C8 - Epitaph 02
C9 - Epitaph 03
CA - Epitaph 04
CB - Epitaph ?
CC - Harald's Note
CD - Grunty Flute
CE - Imp's Pin
CF - Imp's Praises
D0 - Imp's Cross
D1 - Imp's Crown
D2 - Remedy
D3 - Custom Remedy
D4 - True Remedy 
D5 - First Remedy
D6 - Love Letter
D7 - The Twilight
D8 - Book of Law
D9 - Book of Iron
DA - Spark Blade
DB - Paper cloak
DC - Mad Opener
DD - Basin Shield
DE - Love Archery
DF - Plastic Sword
E0 - Harald's Note 2
E1 - Absolute Book
E2 - Segment 1
E3 - Red Sword
E4 - Blue Boots
E5 - Yellow Cap
E6-117 - Image 01-50 (Desktop Backgrounds)
118-149 - BGM@01-50
14A-1AC - Movie 01-99
1AD-1B4 - Ryu BookI-VIII
1B5 - Marine Spear
1B6 - Demonic Sword
1B7 - Tonosama Sword
1B8 - Moon Knives
1B9 - Segment 2
1BA - Segment 3
1BC - M:Wavemaster
1BD - M:Heavy Axeman
1BE - M:Long Arm
1BF-FFFF - (Blank) or Gibberish

*0D Item Classification*

00 - Fortune Wire
01 - Sprite Ocarina
02 - Fairy's Orb
03 - Nothing
04-1A - "Cannot be used." (Does nothing when used)
1A-FF - (Blank)

*Weapons Classification*
00 - Amateur Blades
01 - Steel Blades
02 - Phantom
Class Data

Code: Select all

Kite's Second Class Change Byte?! - 20A46E64 

(Not only does this allow you to effortlessly use skills of other members, it also gives you their level 

up data! Now unfortunately the problem is that your equipment menu will still believe your Kite and though 

your skills may at first glance look like those of the class changed one, it is only the names imprinted 

on top of your actual skills.

00 - Kite
01 - Mia
02 - Orca
03 - Marlo
04 - Sanjuro
05 - Nuke
06 - Balmung
07 - Moonstone
08 - Piros
09 - Wiseman 
0A - Elk 
0B - Natsume 
0C - Rachel
0D - Gardenia
0E - Terajima Ryoko
0F - BlackRose
10 - Mistral
11 - Helba
12 -
Party Member's Class, Equipment, 

00- Twin Blade
01- Blademaster
02- Heavy Blade
03- Heavy Axeman
04- Long Arm
05- Wavemaster

Kite - 00
Mia - 01
Orca - 02
Marlo - 03
Sanjuro - 04
Nuke - 05 
Balmung - 06
Moonstone - 07
Piros - 08
Wiseman - 09
Elk - 0A
Natsume - 0B
Rachel 0C
Gardenia - 0D
Terajima Ryoko - 0E
BlackRose - 0F
Mistral - 10
Helba - 11

Incorrect File Start - Kite
(1400 1400 1400 1400)*3  (0200)*2 (0000 0000)*6 (DC)*5 (41)*4 (0400)*1 (00 00)*7 (40 78 38 00 20 76 38)*8 

00 06 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 9A 02 00 00 00 00 3E 43 00 00 34 42 F0 77 63 00 96 00 19 00 28 00 

28 00 4B 00 4B 00 19 00 19 00 32 00 32 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 5A 00 5A 00 82 00 73 

00 1D 01 19 00 37 00 32 00 78 00 28 00 41 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 68 00 F0 00 32 00 5A 00 28 00 D2 00 

00 00 1E 00 00 00 46 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 32 00 96 01
1 - Class - Long Arm - Kite
2 - Weapon
3 - Equipment
4 - Something Crucial! Do Not Change!
5 - Running Speed
6 - Unused?
7 - Unused?
8 - ??????

00 00 D0 F9 A3 00 00 76 38 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 (02 00)*1 (6C 02)*2 00 00 23 52 98 00 00 00 20 43 00 00 34 

42 00 00 00 00 51 00 10 00 14 00 12 00 2E 00 2E 00 12 00 12 00 20 00 20 00 02 00 02 00 02 00 02 00 02 00 

02 00 0A 00 0A 00 64 00 3A 00 4C 00 56 00 12 00 3A 00 20 00 48 00 2A 00 2A 00 2A 00 2A 00 2A 00 2A 00 0A 

00 0A 00 50 00 28 00 1E 00 28 00 00 00 28 00 00 00

Level Up Data for the various members?

1- Kite's Level Up Data
2- Kite's Exp

BlackRose's Actual Data?
00 00 00 90 79 38 00 E0 77 38 00 06 00 00 00 0F 00 01 00 B0 01 00 00 E8 03 00 00 00 00 25 43 00 00 0C 42 

30 7D 63 00 46 00 0D 00 11 00 0F 00 20 00 1E 00 0D 00 0D 00 1A 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 01 00 32 00 2F 00 5F 00 2A 00 0E 01 0D 00 0D 00 1A 00 1A 00 28 00 28 00 34 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 01 00 

D2 00 1E 00 50 00 0A 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 00 00 A0 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 

00 55 00 00 00 00 00 DC 41 02

0F - Skill Designation

Kite's Actual Data

00 00 00 D0 F9 A3 00 00 76 38 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 84 03 00 00 23 52 98 00 00 00 20 43 00 00 34 42 

00 00 00 00 3F 00 0D 00 0F 00 0E 00 21 00 21 00 0E 00 0E 00 1A 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 5F 00 36 00 3F 00 49 00 0E 00 36 00 1A 00 42 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 00 00 

00 00 50 00 28 00 1E 00 28 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 14 

00 02 00 00 00 00 00 FF 41 04

1 -Graphical data? Any attempt at swapping, changing, or nulling ends with the character failing to load 

when another area is accessed or "File=None" to appear on screen.
2 - Character Identifier
3 - Level 
4 - Exp
5 - Money
6 - Porting in Height? 
7 - Conversation Pointers?
8 - Max HP and SP
9 - Uncertain, but they seem to control 5F 00 and 36 00, increasing their amounts, something to do with 

leveling maybe? Or perhaps regen effects?
A - That which is controlled by 9.
B - Logical Exclusive Or (42) 66.
C - A lot dealing with stats. I'm not exactly certain how stats are calculated yet.

(Classification) Kite
(00 00 00 D0 F9 A3 00 00 76 38 00)*1 07 00 00 00 (00 00)*2 (01 00)*3 (84 03)*4 00 00 (23 52 98 00)*5 00 00 

(20 43)*6 00 00 (34 42)*B (00 00 00 00)*7 (3F 00 0D 00)*8 (0F 00 0E 00)*9 (21 00 21 00) 0E 00 0E 00 1A 00 

1A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (5F 00 36)*A 00 3F 00 49 00 0E 00 36 00 1A 00 42 00 

(28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 28 00 1E 00 28 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 28 00 28 00 28 

00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28)*C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 FF 41 04

(00 00 00 90 79 38 00 E0 77 38 00) 06 00 00 00 (0F 00)*2 (01 00)*3 (B0 01)*4 00 00 (E8 03 00 00)*5 00 00 

(25 43)*6 00 00 0C 42 (30 7D 63 00)*7 (46 00 0D 00)*8 (11 00 0F 00) (20 00 1E 00) 0D 00 0D 00 1A 00 1A 00 

00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 32 00 2F 00 (5F 00 2A)*A 00 0E 01 0D 00 0D 00 (1A 00 1A 00 28 00 

28 00 34 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 01 00 D2 00 1E 00 50 00 0A 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 28 00 28 

00 28 00 28 00 28 00 00 00 A0)*C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 DC 41 02

Creating Custom Monsters!

Phew, it's been a long time without an update, but I hit a bit of a standstill, events are very... hefty and draining, especially when you're dealing with dozens of camera commands which take up most of the event... so I put that on hiatus for a while.

I've searched, and searched, and searched for models, but every little lead was a dead end. So I turned my attention to finding Monster Data, the official last piece until a mod could be worked on... and failed for the longest time! Despite the many searches and leads I seem to have found, nothing came of it.

Then while browsing through the SLUS data, I noticed something called EnemyTbl, I literally slapped myself in the head when I went there and it turned out to be the vaunted Monster Data I had been searching for so long. As I suspected enemies work very much like PC's in terms of battle data, without equipment, of course. But I discovered a few other things which I was very glad to come across. Namely the amount of hits it would take to get a Protect Break and the Data Drain Items. I expected the Virus Cores to be hardcoded into the game, that "this Type yields This Virus Core!" But I was pleasantly surprised to see that wasn't the case. Each monster just has a Virus Core as their first attainable Data Drain Item, so you could even make enemies that don't have a chance to drop Virus Cores, or choose to remove Virus Cores entirely. Of course that would be a lot of data searching to accomplish that.

Here's the info. I managed to find on the Monster Data.

Code: Select all

Monster Data
Bytes 0-3     - Name Pointer
Bytes 4-7     - ???
Bytes 8-11    - NPC Type Designation
Bytes 12-13   - Enemy Designation
Bytes 14-15   - Level
Bytes 16-23   - ???
Bytes 24-27   - Height of Life Bar
Bytes 28-33   - ???
Bytes 34-35   - HP
Bytes 36-37   - SP
Bytes 38-39   - Attack
Bytes 40-41   - Defense
Bytes 42-43   - Accuracy
Bytes 44-45   - Evade
Bytes 46-47   - M. Attack
Bytes 48-49   - M. Defense
Bytes 50-51   - M. Accuracy
Bytes 52-53   - M. Evade
Bytes 54-55   - Earth Element
Bytes 56-57   - Water Element
Bytes 58-59   - Fire Element
Bytes 60-61   - Wood Element
Bytes 62-63   - Light Element
Bytes 64-65   - Dark Element
Bytes 66-81   - ???
Bytes 82-85   - Data Drain Item 1
Bytes 86-89   - Data Drain Item 2
Bytes 90-93   - Data Drain Item 3
Bytes 94-117  - ???
Bytes 118-121 - Protect Break Hit Requirement?
Bytes 122-161 - ???
Bytes 162-165 - Monster Type Designation?
Bytes 166-169 - ???
Bytes 170-205 - Monster Behaviors
Bytes 206-331 - ???
Bytes 332-335 - Enemy Skill 1
Bytes 336-339 - Enemy Skill 2
Bytes 340-448 - ???
Also as theorized the Phases are right after the normal monsters, but they seem to run on a completely different specialization, unfortunately due to this you can't load a Phase into a normal enemy, as far as I can tell.

Phase Data is also, surprisingly enough, or unsurprisingly, much smaller than the normal monster files, they only have their basic stats and pointers in there. There are surprisingly 48 Phase enemies in all which may, or may not include Cubia, I couldn't quite tell. The majority of Phase dealings are in Phase specific files, so altering them beyond their basic stats is pretty much out of the question.

If it's not already known, all the Phases are officially level 100, which is likely why Skeith hurts so much, I've learned that there is a slight damage increase and slight damage decrease when fighting monsters higher level than you, this isn't really noticeable unless you're fighting one of the Phases though, nothing else has that high of levels on you.

Here are a couple of pictures to demonstrate monster control...

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/81 ... aindro.jpg
http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/2242 ... aindro.jpg

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/41 ... gainis.jpg
http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/3082/l ... gainis.jpg

So I was recently going through the code of .hack//Infection for a larger modding project I have planned. I really wanted to change how many monster types could be loaded in a field or a dungeon to give some more variety (by default its set to three!) After a bit of data scrounging I found where the values were being written, where they were being written from, and how to change them. It turned out it was a single byte.

I always had thought that the .hack// games were lacking some real model capacity behind the scenes, but it turns out that is far from the case. It was a choice, not a limitation, to set monster types to three for each field/dungeon floor. I've been playing around with it a bit, but you can really see a difference if you change this 03 to 18 (24 monster types). Fields suddenly become alive with a rich array of foes, instead of just three kinds. This also has the effect of making things more difficult as well, as high level monster types you weren't expecting could show up and surprise you.

If you are using PCSX2 it is as simple as going to 0042E8B4 - and changing 03 to any number you want up to 18.

If you want to make the change to an ISO it's at 014648B4.

I hope someone finds it useful as a way to give their next //Infection playthrough a bit greater variety.
Last edited by Xu Yuan on Mon May 27, 2024 10:49 am, edited 8 times in total.
Xu Yuan
Posts: 1207
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Location: Harald in the R:2!

Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

Just a little something I came across was how to find all global commands (which include Treasure Chests, trading, etc) and the first location I came across all of this was at the Chaos Gate, exchanging the Random option for whatever I wanted.

To my surprise I could trade and even gift the Chaos Gate... resulting in humorous exchanges such as this.


Definitely not what I was expecting... especially in Mistral's voice. So they gave voice and text (well not unique, but it was working text and voice at least) to the Chaos Gate, of all things, but when you try to trade with Kite, you get glitch symbols and no voice. How strange.
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by TheSorrow »

...This is so awesome i didn't even know what to say about it when i first saw it.
And i still don't know what to say about it, but this awesome topic deserves some random replies at least D;

I see there's no problem inflicting Protect Break either...So, you can indeed play through the whole game as a "different" class with no problems whatsoever. Awesome indeed. Totally makes me want to try it...But sadly, i don't have a Codebreaker/AR, and have been unable to find a properly-working PS2 emulator D: (mostly due to laziness though. lol)

I wonder if Master ZED has looked at this already...

And as of the Chaos Gate thing....Wow XDDD
Maybe it's because the Chaos Gate was, for whatever reason, assigned default values? I see it's full of "empty" Amateur Blades, which i'd like to think is the first weapon in the list, corresponding to the 00. Could be the same with Mistral's voice, being the first voice as well. So in that case, it's not like they "gave" it a working text and voice in purpose...but more like it was filled with default values; kinda reminds me to Digimon World, in how certain unobtainable Digimons had their attack list entirely composed of the very first attack listed, even though they'll never fight and will never attack if you force them into battle. And maybe Kite wasn't assigned even default values, or the part that belongs to the trading is replaced with other code belonging to something else.
Xu Yuan
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

It's an interesting thought. But Mistral is actually one of the last party members listed. I would expect, if anything the default trade voice would go to Mia. And you're exactly right about the Amateur Blades 00, it's literally reading "0000 - First Weapon - 00 - Twin Blade - 00 Amount of 0."

As you would imagine Kite has the same trades on him as well, also I hit a bit of a breakthrough last night discovering where Level Up stats are, so in theory you could make Kite fully into another class (except for animations... still haven't figured that one out), Though for now I think I like the hybrid Twin Blade stats-Other Classes Weapons and Armor, in terms of stats. It really shows how important equipment is, playing through as a Wavemaster myself on one of the files and it has been quite a different experience (then again I put restrictions on myself as is. I think I made a topic on those restrictions here, years ago?)
Xu Yuan
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

So other than filling out a few more item lists for classification purpose I decided to try out those commands again, what I saw surprised me a bit. I had thought that a lot of this was unique to Roots Towns, but Root Towns just appear to be slightly modified normal areas as far as the game is concerned. Here are the sidenotes from my own notes on the matter and a few pictures I thought were interesting.

Also I've found and completely dissected Shops but to my great disappointment they are rewritten whenever you log back in, this behavior makes no sense as, to my knowledge, shops never change their wares. Maybe its a relic from a past plan? Well, in any case, it pretty much shuts out custom shops.

(Sidenote: the game apparently loads trading menus dynamically, that is if you hack Trade into your menu and use it anywhere, you will trade with the last object you came across, ranging from PC's to NPC's.

Gifting works the same way, you can gift anything from a PC to NPC and you will be met with random voices of your party members, NPC's will even sometimes equip the gear you give them.)

(Sidenote 2: You can apparently add members to your party from the field and they will show up, I don't know why this wasn't implemented at all in the final version)

(Sidenote 3: You can even remove party members while you're on the field where a few strange behaviors come into play, namely they no longer have Exp. appear when an enemy is defeated (but they are still gaining said Exp) and any foe they defeat you still get the exp. for In addition they will no longer have any chat with you, even if dead or dying, on the bright side you don't have to hear the annoying tick when they're in critical.

(Sidenote 4: You can call and dismiss party members in dungeons as well, on another curious note they also have the HP and SP values from when you last saw them (not when they were last dismissed) and they still can die. Calling party members though seems to more often than not spawn them behind a wall so you have to go to the next room to actually see them.

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84 ... ckrose.png

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/82 ... ponsho.png
http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/1834 ... ponsho.png

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69 ... sweird.png
http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/4259 ... sweird.png
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by hidora »

TheSorrow wrote:...This is so awesome i didn't even know what to say about it when i first saw it.
And i still don't know what to say about it, but this awesome topic deserves some random replies at least D;

Man, I'd love to be able to use those codes ;-;
Too bad my pc is too slow to run a ps2 emulator (got infection to work, but it goes at 5~10% speed, so no good lol) and my ps2 just do NOT want codebreaker to work, even when booting through the memory card ._.

PS: Laughed hard at the names of the pics, especially morepowertoyouweaponsho.png and gladyoulikeitchaosgate.png xD
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by TheSorrow »

Oh wow. So...

-The reason why your little exchange with the Chaos Gate was so Mistral-ish was because Mistral was the last character you had interacted with? But if so, were you actually trading with Mistral, or with the Chaos Gate? Same with the new screenshots...Are you actually trading with the Chaos Gate and the Weapon Shop, or with the last characters you talked to? Was it that one character the one who used the Power Book (and so raised their stats), or equipped the Phantom Blades, or it was indeed the actual shop and gate the ones to be doing so? And in such case, is that book pretty much getting lost and affecting no one's stats whatsoever (Except maybe the Weapon Shop stats...whatever they are o-o; )?

-The calling/dismissing party members in fields and dungeons is something i thought possible at first, but was disappointed to see it never happened in the games. It's amazingly great to hear about how it is really possible in some way though. But so, when you dismiss a party member, do they still follow you? Or they just wander wherever they feel like and get into fights (and share the EXP as you noted)? And can they warp out on their own, or they'll remain in the field until you warp out? And what happens when they die, do they disappear or they just stay there all ghostly while hoping someone passes by to revive them? Is it even possible to revive them when not in your team, or you would have to "call" them (in which you'd see they have 0HP, maybe) and approach them to heal them like usual? And in dungeons when you dismiss them, do they wander around? And if so, is it possible for them to wander forward before you, activating a portal and blocking your path (since the doors get locked)? And if they don't defeat the enemies and die, will your path be forever blocked until you leave and enter again?

-And you mentioned at first that Root Towns are just slightly modified areas...So, would it be possible for you to behave there like you would in any normal field, that is with weapons drawed and able to attack and use items? And would it be possible too to trigger a fight in a Root Town, which would act not much different than a battle in any other field?

Sorry for the dozens of questions...But this is all so damn interesting D; And i would be more than happy and willing to try all of this and get the answers on my own if i could, but it's not possible...and even if it were, i don't think i have the knowledge to be doing whatever the heck you're doing to discover and try all of this D: lol

hidora wrote:PS: Laughed hard at the names of the pics, especially morepowertoyouweaponsho.png and gladyoulikeitchaosgate.png xD
If it wasn't for this, i wouldn't have ever looked at the image names...but, i have now. And i've LOL'd indeed XDDD
thisgameiswierd.png indeed XDDD
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

Codebreaker's not working? Is it scratched up or something? If I recall right if you have a Flash Drive you can put that in the PS2 and load the saves from the files into your memory card. At least that's how it works for the AR Max version, I only glanced at the way the Codebreaker does things so I could be wrong.

As to progress... well... heh, apparently there are 102 possible items to get from Any Gott chest, that isn't event specific. As you may guess there are a lot of duplicates in there, but it should be possible to insert my own 1/102 (probably won't be that low) chance actual rare items. Would you believe there are 46 classifications of Gott Treasure, each with 102 open slots? I am sure many of them are used for Key Items and quests, but that's still a fair chunk left to normal fields.

Also thanks to the ELF labels, I believe I've found where equipment stats are kept, but I still can't make heads or tails of skill acquisition. As for models I'm still in the same place. Though I've found references to various models and animations, I can't get the majority to do anything or not crash the game. Though it was interesting to see Mac Anu without any buildings. Likely should have taken a picture of that now that I think on it... I was nulling a field of RTModel data to see if there would be any effect, and I didn't realize at first that RT stood for root town, so I erased Mac Anu, they really made sure that the player normally can't see the end of that field of water and the actual background of Mac Anu, which normally can't be seen due to various structures in the way is fairly interesting.

As for your questions TheSorrow I think I can answer most of them.
The reason why your little exchange with the Chaos Gate was so Mistral-ish was because Mistral was the last character you had interacted with? But if so, were you actually trading with Mistral, or with the Chaos Gate? Same with the new screenshots...Are you actually trading with the Chaos Gate and the Weapon Shop, or with the last characters you talked to? Was it that one character the one who used the Power Book (and so raised their stats), or equipped the Phantom Blades, or it was indeed the actual shop and gate the ones to be doing so? And in such case, is that book pretty much getting lost and affecting no one's stats whatsoever (Except maybe the Weapon Shop stats...whatever they are o-o; )?
Just like you two my emulator's speed is abysmal, so I can't even bare to get past anything but the Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground event and I have several savestate set up to test various things, so the only people I have the member address to is Orca (who I found a nifty little way to add back into the party which is probably a complicated way to make it happen) and BlackRose, so no. The Chaos Gate was being traded with and gifted in those two screen shots.

To my knowledge none of my party members changed when I gave the book to the Weapon Shop or the Chaos Gate equipped the Phantom Blades. I'm not sure what was being affected or to what extent with those two items. My guess is somewhere in the data some data went up by 0A to reflect the Power Book change, but heaven only knows where. Though yes. It is indeed the actual shop and gate which were traded with and gifted, I also tried this with various enemies and NPC's in a dungeon, The game seems to only use the "Trade" and "Gift" command as to your current target. It is a bizarre way of doing it, but it works in normal cases.
-The calling/dismissing party members in fields and dungeons is something i thought possible at first, but was disappointed to see it never happened in the games. It's amazingly great to hear about how it is really possible in some way though. But so, when you dismiss a party member, do they still follow you? Or they just wander wherever they feel like and get into fights (and share the EXP as you noted)? And can they warp out on their own, or they'll remain in the field until you warp out? And what happens when they die, do they disappear or they just stay there all ghostly while hoping someone passes by to revive them? Is it even possible to revive them when not in your team, or you would have to "call" them (in which you'd see they have 0HP, maybe) and approach them to heal them like usual? And in dungeons when you dismiss them, do they wander around? And if so, is it possible for them to wander forward before you, activating a portal and blocking your path (since the doors get locked)? And if they don't defeat the enemies and die, will your path be forever blocked until you leave and enter again?
Its odd, but they just wander around fighting what they will, they even still have a good measure of AI, despite having no orders BlackRose was using Calamity in that screenshot, she would not warp away from the area though so its quite likely this may have been planned at one point but then was scrapped for other reasons. She ran around for a bit, but then just eventually stopped. (This might have been related to where she first gated in, probably mimicking the pattern of movement to leave Mac Anu And its odd, but when a PC is not in your party you cannot interact with them in a normal sense, you can only Talk/Trade/Gift, but you cannot heal them in any measure, so extra steps were definitely taken to seperate PC from ?normal? PC? It may have been similar to what they eventually did in G.U. with players showing up on the field in some capacity.

As for dungeons, their behavior is a little more erratic there. Its clear they had no plan to include this (After all Bear does say that there is no skill available to warp into a dungeon in SIGN, hehe). Though your first thought is right, if they are dead and they are not in your party you first need to readd them, then revive them, then do as you will. An unsummoned Party Member in a dungeon will finish whatever battle they're engaged in than simply stop moving.

-And you mentioned at first that Root Towns are just slightly modified areas...So, would it be possible for you to behave there like you would in any normal field, that is with weapons drawed and able to attack and use items? And would it be possible too to trigger a fight in a Root Town, which would act not much different than a battle in any other field?

Sorry for the dozens of questions...But this is all so damn interesting D; And i would be more than happy and willing to try all of this and get the answers on my own if i could, but it's not possible...and even if it were, i don't think i have the knowledge to be doing whatever the heck you're doing to discover and try all of this D: lol
I enjoy answering questions and it would be great to breathe some life into this old board and game. Any other questions you may have, may give me greater insights into our possibilities.

As for Root Towns, I've seen that you can cast there, but no spell effects or numbers show up, so unlike what AI Buster portrayed, there's little chance of an actual monster attack in the towns, much to my great chagrin... well the game literally uses the same map 8 times for the 8 phase battles, and since they clearly aren't using all 8 in one game, perhaps they can be modified to make copies of towns? Perhaps just wishful thinking. What I should test is to see if you can see numbers and spell effects in Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground, putting monsters there seems fairly interesting, of course that's under the assumption I figure out how Actor loading works in the original games.
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by hidora »

Xu Yuan wrote:Codebreaker's not working? Is it scratched up or something? If I recall right if you have a Flash Drive you can put that in the PS2 and load the saves from the files into your memory card. At least that's how it works for the AR Max version, I only glanced at the way the Codebreaker does things so I could be wrong.
I know how that works, but it just won't work on my ps2.
Tried with 4 different versions of Code Breaker both on disc and through booting from the memory card and still nothing.

Well, I always said my ps2 has a mind of his own... guess he just doesn't want to *shrugs*

And congratulations, you just made me start a new save game of Infection in name of my good memories o3o

...that, and I finally started working on that item completion event on Quarantine, which was my only regret regarding what I do or not do in .hack...

You, sir, have my thanks.
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

Hehe, well the .hack// series is always worth a revisit. Starting from the beginning (well technically that's AI Buster, but that's semantics) and rediscovering it all over again always broadens my horizons when it comes to this series I've followed for so long now.

But as for progress... well I only have a lot of info. lists that would help aspiring modders and hackers of the game,

I'll put them in a code format. This one is just for Items, Weapons, what have you, but I have several other lists, just don't want to lump that all in one post though.

Code: Select all

XXXX-Weapon/Armor/Item (Only one byte is used)
YY - Class Identification
ZZ - Amount (only used when in your inventory)
00- Twin Blade
01- Blademaster
02- Heavy Blade
03- Heavy Axeman
04- Long Arm
05- Wavemaster
06- Helmet
07- Armor
08- Hand Armor
09- Leg Armor
0A- Items
0B- Spells
0C- Books
0D- Special Use items
0E- Gott Rewards
0F- Key Items

Twin Blades
00- Amateur Blades
01- Steel Blades
02- Phantom
03- Assassin
04- Spark Blades
05- Lath Blade
06- Fuse Blades
07- Shadow Blades
08- Cats Blades
09- Ronin Blades
0A- Spell Blades
0B- Bloody Blades
0C- Sotetsu
0D- Enou
0E- Ryoguken
0F- Raitei
10- Anshou
11- Masterblades
12- Hell's Gate
13- Dante's Blades
14- Shirogane
15- Kurogane
16- Yosetu & Fuyou
17- Slayers
18- Homura
19- Tsumuji
1A- Mikazuchi
1B- Mukuro
1C- Magatsu
1D- Kyoura
1E- Aktasuki
1F- Bloody Blades (Again? What?)
20- Rashou
21- Enja
22- Hachiyou
23- Raikoumaru
24- Ankokushiki
25- Professional
26- Specter Blades
27- Kikoku
28- Shin
29- Rei 
2A- San
2B- Stealth Blades
2C- Kurenai
2D- Saburo
2E- Mizuchi (Isn't this already a Blade?)
2F- Black Chapter
30- Dragon & Tiger
31- Kiki & Lala
32- Sorcery Swords
33- Diablo Blades
34- Suigetsu
35- Kaien
36- Mokuren
37- Raian
38- Baian
39- Miracle Twin
3A- Tiger King
3B- Sublimer
3C- Spiral Edge
3D- Blades of Bond
3E- Moon Knives
3F- Lady Killers
40- Time Blades
41- Rusty Nails
42- Soul Blades
43- Gemini soul
44- Vampire Blades
45- Kokoro
46- Hyakkidouran
47- Crimson Raid
48- Bom-Ba-Ye
49- Sin of Hades
4A- Kai
4B- Grizzly
4C- Fishskin
4D- Golden Yasha
4E- Two Together
4F- Prepare to Die
50- _^_____o__ - (Were replaced in later games as Sora's Blades, they have Sora's Blades graphics here even.)
51- _o____E__________] (A blade similar to Rusty Nails, was used to make Last Betrayal)


00- Basic Sword 
01- Brave Sword
02- Rondo
03- Mizuchi
04- Gakaku
05- Strange Blade
06- Executioner
07- Unicorn Blade
08- Corpseblade
09- Oval Sword
0A- Grunty's Sword
0B- Fugaku
0C- Ensui
0D- Komura
0E- Souleater
0F- Singing Blade
10- Dogman's Sword
11- Steelblade (Why...? This is the name of BlackRose's starting weapon as well.)
12- Glitter
13- Seal Sword
14- Patriot
15- Siegfried
16- Heaven & Earth 
17- Lake & Sea
18- Fire & Sky
19- Comet Blade
1A- Demon Killer
1B- 6 Side Blade
1C- 7 Star Sword
1D- Lion's Blade
1E- Menhir Sword
1F- Matoi
20- Nataku
21- Soujin
22- Bloody Pain
23- Tenkafuubu
24- Phantom Blade
25- Rising Sun
26- Oberon
27- Banished Blade
28- Pegasus Comet
29- Seventh Seal
2A- Fair Soul
2B- Stream Sword
2C- Honor's Breath 
2D- Scarlet Cross
2E- Godslayer
2F- Needleblade
30- Shichiyou
31- Gold Sword
32- Trickster
33- Saturn Sword
34- Mercury Sword
35- Mars Sword
36- Phantom Pain
37- Skysweeper
38- Rugrats Nights
39- Evil Eyes
3A- Jormungand
3B- Eternity
3C- 8 Phase Sword
3D- Ends of Earth
3E- Guillotine
3F- Heavenly Sword
40- Houraiken
41- Jinsaran
42- Bureido
43- Phoenix's Wing
44- Chaos Sword
46- Phoenix's fire
47- Gimme Life
48- Maniac Sword
49- _x_A_____ 
4A- _________
4B- ___________
4C- _p___E_K___N_^


00- Adventurer
01- Kikuichimonji
02- Earth Sword
03- Curing Sword
04- Flamberge
05- Green Sword
06- Stun Sword
07- Slayer
08- Nodachi
09- Defense Sword
0A- Magnifier
0B- Shanato
0C- Absorber
0D- Byakuen
0E- Shidan
0F- Raijin
10- Sharp Blade
11- Spiderblade
12- Sun Fang One
13- Devil Blade
14- Claymore
15- Kikujyumonji
16- Earthian Sword
17- Life Sword
18- Flame Sword
19- Dryad's Sword
1A- Light Giver
1B- Gain Giver
1C- Horse-Killer
1D- Blessed Blade
1E- Soul Linker
1F- Stonecrusher
20- Steeler
21- Hien
22- Karin
23- Raimei
24- Sonic Blade
25- Shark Tooth
26- Sun Fang Five
27- Ghostdancer
28- High Forager
29- Kikuhyakumonji
2A- Rock 'n Roll
2B- Peace Blade
2C- Corona Blade
2D- Forest Sword
2E- Plasma Blade
2F- Executer
30- Jindachi
31- Dispeller
32- Smiling Blade
33- Destroyer
34- Avenger
35- Byakuen Custom
36- Honeyflower
37- Shichishito
38- Divine Speed
39- Narukikyou
3A- Sun Fang Zero
3B- Vajra
3C- Grim Sword
3D- Kikusenmonji
3E- Earthbreaker
3F- Nightingale
40- Honokagutuchi
41- Azure Blade
42- Heavy Tempest 
43- Mercy Killer
44- Higekirimaru
45- Guadian Blade (mispelled in the first volume)
46- Claimh Solais
47- Stonegod Sword
48- Sword of Gain
49- Asian Phoenix
4A- Asura
4B- Thunderlord
4C- Excalibur
4D- Oni's Fork
4E- The Sun Fang
4F- Tsumugari
50- Kotetsu Sword
51- Spark Sword
52- Demonic Sword
53- Tonosama Sword
54- Zero Katana
55- Steelblade
56- Sakabatou
57- Laevateinn
58- Shikisokuzeku
59- Forsaken Light 
5A- Blade 3000
5B- Five Stars
5C- Dreams of Yore
5D- Made in Heaven
5E- _~_~_______d__
5F- _______E_~_1_E_
60- _________    (That many Swords? That's even more weapons than the main character's class gets! And of course it would be that of all the classes, the least amount you get is of Heavy Blades.)

Heavy Axes 

00- Hatchet
01- Short Swing
02- Battle Axe
03- Water Axe
04- Flame Axe
05- Wind Axe
06- Thunder Axe
07- Midnight Axe
08- Razor Axe
09- Bronze Axe
0A- Cursed Axe
0B- Earth Axe
0C- Water God Axe
0D- Bloody Axe
0E- Bandit's Axe
0F- Charged Axe
10- Darness Axe
11- Master's Axe
12- Papillon Axe
13- Devil's Axe
14- Handyman's Axe
15- Full Swing
16- Drough Axe
17- Brook Axe
18- Vitality Axe
19- Sinner's Axe
1A- Overloaded
1B- Darkness
1C- Golden Mean
1D- New Scythe
1E- Sorcery's Axe
1F- Quake Axe
20- Dragon Axe
21- Splatter Axe
22- Axe of Mobs
23- Vortex Axe
24- Alien Axe
25- Artisan Axe
26- Fairy Axe
27- Dark God's Axe
28- Lumberjack
29- Over Swing
2A- Desert Axe
2B- Liquid Axe
2C- Vibrant Blade
2D- Brute's Axe
2E- Shock Axe
2F- Black Axe
30- Plasma Axe
31- Miracle Axe
32- Malice's Axe
33- Gaia's Axe
34- Neptune 
35- Vampire Axe
36- Crazy Axe
37- Lightning Axe
38- Dimension
39- Maestro Axe
3A- Angel Axe
3B- Missing Axe
3C- Golden Axe
3D- Silver Axe
3E- Meteor Axe
3F- White Axe
40- Giant Hill
41- 8 Key Guardian
42- Axe Bomber
43- Hell's Herald
44- Key Axe
45- Tri-Tips
46- Thunder Dad
47- Watcher
48- ______d__
49- _E_______
4A- _________l


00- Bronze Spear
01- Iron Spear
02- Relief Lance
03- Water Spear
04- Fire Spear
05- Wooden Spear
06- Electric Spear
07- Glaive
08- Gold Spear
09- Nihonmaru
0A- Spear of Spell
0B- Bloody Lance
0C- Merman Spear
0D- Lavaman Spear
0E- Treeman Spear
0F- Strormer Spear (What's a Strormer?)
10- Berserk Spear
11- Sleipner
12- Fairy Spear
13- Fiend Spear
14- Copper Lance
15- Steel Spear
16- TranquiLance
17- River Spear
18- Flame Spear
19- Globe Spear
1A- Blitz Spear
1B- Knight Glaive 
1C- Adamant Lance
1D- Super Spear
1E- Mage Spear
1F- Dhampir Lance
20- Fox Spear
21- Blazing Spear
22- Treebeam Spear
23- Flash Spear
24- Insane Spear
25- Dragnir
26- Erling's Spear
27- Demon Spear
28- Sacred Spear
29- Damascus Spear
2A- Happiness 
2B- Aqua Spear
2C- Volcanic Spear
2D- Forest Spear
2E- Thunder Spear
2F- Kaiser Glaive
30- Golden Dragon
31- Awful Spear
32- Spear of Curse
33- Demon Lance 
34- Rivergod Spear
35- Hellfire spear
36- Primal Spear
37- Plasma Lance
38- Madlance
39- Gungnir
3A- Spirit Lance
3B- Ultimate Spear
3C- Marine Spear
3D- Eternal Victor
3E- Amazon Spear
3F- Million$ Spear
40- Jishuwen
41- Scarlet Autumn
42- Valhalberd
43- Super Wufei
44- Minerva
45- Last Tess
46- Spear Core MK3
47- _N_______d__
48- _____0___0__
49- _____v_____


00- Cypress Wand
01- Iron Rod
02- Earth Wand
03- Water Wand
04- Fire Wand
05- Air Wand
06- Electric Wand
07- Ebony Wand
09- Wand of Wisdom
0A- Basho Wand
0B- Diabolic Wand
0C- Earth Rod
0D- Rod of the Sea
0E- Inferno Wand
0F- Wand of Storms
10- Adian's Rod
11- Almighty Wand
12- Groovy Stick
13- Starstorm Wand
14- Spiral Wand
15- Silver Rod
16- Muddy Rod 
17- Bubble Rod
18- Flaming Rod
19- Dark Green Rod
1A- Bolt Rod
1B- Nerd Staff
1C- Revelation
1D- Treasure Wand
1E- Witch's Wand
1F- Gaia's Staff
20- Ocean's Rod
21- Firedrake Bone
22- Rod of Gales
23- Stormlord Rod
24- Apocalypse Rod
25- Tenami
26- Moonstruck
27- Cosmic Staff
28- Oak Staff
29- Crystal Rod
2A- Earth Staff
2B- Cygnus Rod
2C- Burning Brand
2D- Hag's Wand
2E- Stun Rod
2F- Negation Wand
30- Wand of Truth
31- Dharma Wand
32- Witch's Stick
33- Ishtar Wand
34- Commandments
35- Megiddo Wand
36- Wand of Dreams
37- Awful Stun Rod
38- Master Asia
39- Shinto Dream
3A- Caduceus Rod
3B- Staff of Truth 
3C- Expert Wand
3D- Nautilus Wand
3E- Flaming Wand
3F- 8 Wise Men
40- Dark History
41- Rod of Pattern
42- Jester's Wand
43- Banyuinryoku
44- Great Elite
45- Heh Heh Heh
46- Yoshida (26)
47- Silent Bomber
48- _i_____
49- _a_s______
4A- _n_j_j_~____
4B- ________

Equipment Classification

Light Headgear
00- Bandana
01- Steel Cap
02- Cougar Bandana
03- Raccooon Earcap
04- Newt Necklace
05- Scarab Earring
06- Thunder Torque
07- Bat Earrings
08- Gold Necklace 
09- War Headband
0A- Imp Earrings
0B- Dragon Crest
0C- Fox Crest
0D- Wolf Crest
0E- Owl Crest
0F- Rat Crest
10- Raven Crest
11- Blade's Chain 
12- Angel Chain
13- Golden Crown

14- Nomad's Hood
15- Guard Cap
16- Hunter's Hood
17- Ice Hunter Cap
18- Fire Dance Hat
19- Peasant's Cap
1A- Lightning Cap
1B- Darkness Hood
1C- Golden Turban
1D- Infantry Cap
1E- Demon's Cap
1F- Eagle Hood
20- Ice Tiger Hood
21- Fire Lion Hood
22- Cave Bear Hood
23- Giraffe Hood
24- Night Ape Hood
25- Matador Hood
26- Angel's Cap
27- Fallen Pope

Heavy Headgear

28- Head Gear
29- Face Guard
2A- Mountain Helm
2B- Ice Helm
2C- Fire Helm
2D- Forester Helm
2E- Stormlord Helm
2F- Midnight Helm? (Why the "?")
30- Golden Helm
31- Samurai Helm
32- Devil Helm
33- Rock Dragon
34- Ice Dragon
35- Fire Dragon
36- Spirit Dragon
37- Thunder Dragon
38- Dark Dragon
39- Mercenary Mask
3A- Angel Helm
3B- Usurper Helm
Rare Headgear

3C- Goblin Cap 
3D- Goblin Cap A
3E- Goblin Cap S
3F- Goblin Cap Z
40- Ceramic Helm
41- Bent Glasses
42- Lady's Cap
43- Time Headband
44- Cat's Hat

Light Armor

00- Leather Coat
01- Noble Cloak
02- Hiking Gear
03- Winter Coat
04- Fireman's Coat
05- Lincoln Green
06- Thunder Cloak
07- Demon Cloak
08- Saint Cross
09- Blood Suit
0A- Priest's Stole
0B- Tribal Robes
0C- Flowing Robes
0D- Blazing Robes
0E- Airy Robes
0F- Thunder Robes
10- Magus Robes
11- Sublime Stole
12- Celestral Robe
13- Shadow Robes

Normal Armor

14- Leather Armor
15- Ring Mail
16- Wyrm Hide
17- Wyrm Scale
18- Firedrake Mail
19- Holy Tree Mail
1A- Quakebeast Fur
1B- Bone Armor
1C- Linen Cuirass
1D- Bandit Mail
1E- Segmentart
1F- Jasper Hauberk
20- Frost Hauberk
21- Blaze Hauberk
22- Spirit Hauberk
23- Storm Hauberk
24- Ebony Hauberk
25- Killer Hauberk
26- Able Lamellar
27- Demon Mail

Heavy Armor

28- Brigandine 
29- Plate Armor
2A- Grand Armor
2B- Frost Armor
2C- Blaze Armor
2D- Spirit Armor
2E- Thunder Armor
2F- Ebony Armor
30- Kris Armor
31- Masamune Armor
32- Armor of Hell
33- Earth Beast
34- Water Beart
35- Fire Beast
36- Tree Beast
37- Thunder Beast
38- Dark Beast
39- Paladin Mail 
3A- Ragaraja Mail
3B- Omega Guard

Rare Armor
3C- Goblin Mail
3D- Goblin Mail A
3E- Goblin Mail S
3F- Goblin Mail Z
40- Kagayuzen
41- Lady's Mail
42- Time Sash
43- Cats Mail

Light Armguards

00- Wrist Band
01- Silver Bracer
02- Fossil Bracer
03- Frost Bracer 
04- Fire Bracer
05- Air Bracer
06- Storm Bracer
07- Jet Bracer
08- Protect Ring
09- Able Ring
0A- Geist Ring
0B- Rock Guard
0C- Briny Guard
0D- Charred guard
0E- Hunting Guard
0F- Ion Guard
10- Shadow Guard
11- War God Guard
12- Sacred Guard
13- Uber Guard

Normal Armguards

14- Leather Gloves
15- Silver Gloves
16- Miner's Gloves
17- Fishing Gloves
18- Smith's Gloves
19- Forest Gloves
1A- Thunder Gloves
1B- Gloves of Dark
1C- Bouncer Gloves
1D- Able Gloves
1E- Drain Gloves
1F- Hammer Gloves
20- Ocean Gloves
21- Inferno Gloves
22- Sonic Gloves
23- Shield Gloves
24- Jet Gloves
25- Bladed Gloves
26- Divine Gloves
27- Hades Gloves

Heavy Armguards

28- Rusted Hands
29- Silver Hands
2A- Hands of Earth
2B- Hands of Water
2C- Hands of Fire
2D- Hands of Wood
2E- Hands of Storm
2F- Hands of Ebony
30- Hands of Ronin
31- Able Hands
32- Cursed Hands
33- Gaia Hands
34- Aqua Hands
35- Fire Hands
36- Sprite Hands
37- Electric Hands
38- Midnight Hands
39- Master's Hands
3A- Divine Hands
3B- Demon's Hands
Rare Armguards

3C- Goblin Gloves
3D- Goblingloves A
3E- Goblingloves S
3F- Goblingloves Z
40- Lady's Gloves
41- Time Bracer
42- Cats Gloves

Light Leg Armor

00- Sandals 
01- Leg Mail
02- Ceramic Anklet
03- Frost Anklet
04- Iron Anklet
05- Oak Anklet
06- Thunder Anklet
07- Ninja Anklet
08- Greave Sticker
09- Ivory Graves
0A- Devil Greaves
0B- Stone Greaves
0C- Sea Greaves
0D- Lava Greaves
0E- Oaken Greaves
0F- Storm Greaves
10- Ebony Greaves
11- Alert Greaves
12- Greaves of Awe
13- Denial Greaves

Normal Leg Armor 

14- Safety Shoes
15- Jungle Boots 
16- Mountain Boots
17- Snow Panther
18- Fire Lizard
19- Ranger's Boots
1A- Thunder Boots
1B- Ninja Socks
1C- Deluxe Boots
1D- Powered Boots
1E- Oserazan Socks
1F- Stone Solleret
20- Frost Solleret
21- Blaze Solleret
22- Oaken Solleret
23- Storm Solleret
24- Night Solleret 
25- Guard Solleret
26- Magus Solleret
27- Ultra Solleret

Heavy Leg Armor

28- Used Greaves
29- Leather Legs
2A- Mountain Guard
2B- Aqua Guard
2C- Flare Guard
2D- Green Guard
2E- Electric Guard
2F- Benkei's Guard
30- Spiked Guard
31- Rare Greaves
32- Magic Leg Mail
33- Imp's Leg Mail
34- Ice Leg Mail
35- Flame Leg Mail
36- Oaken Leg Mail
37- Storm Leg Mail
38- Ebony Leg Mail
39- Lone Leg Mail
3A- Alien Leg Mail
3B- Ultra Leg Mail

Rare Leg Armor

3C- Goblin Boots
3D- Goblin Boots A
3E- Goblin Boots S
3F- Goblin Boots Z
40- Lucky Shoes
41- Lady's Shoes
42- Time Sandals
43- Cats Boots

*0A Item Classification*

00 - Health Drink
01 - Health Potion
02 - Healing Elixir
03 - Antidote
04 - Restorative
05 - Resurrect
06 - Warrior Blood
07 - Knight Blood
08 - Hunter Blood
09 - Hermit Blood
0A - Beast Blood
0B - Wizard Blood
0C - Well Water
0D - Pure Water
0E - Burning Oil
0F - Holy Sap
10 - Sports Drink
11 - Cooked Bile
12 - Mage's Soul
13 - Artisan's Soul
14 - Emperor's Soul 
15 - Noble Wine
16 - Risky Coffee
17 - Recovery Drink

*0B Spell Classification*

00 - Raining Rocks
01 - Raging Earth 
02 - Stone Storm
03 - Gaia's Spell
04 - Meteor Strike
05 - Cosmic Truth
06 - Ice Storm
07 - Ice Floe
08 - Ice Strike
09 - Cygnus
0A - Absolute Zero
0B - Permafrost
0C - Fire Tempest
0D - Meteor Swarm
0E - Flame Blast
0F - Fireball Storm
10 - Hellstorm
11 - Inferno Strike
12 - Green Gale
13 - Gale Breath
14 - Leafblight
15 - Wood Sprite
16 - Jungle Rage
17 - Forest of Fear
18 - Lightning Bolt
19 - Plasma Storm
1A - Ion Strike
1B - Raging Plasma
1C - Thunderbolt
1D - Plasma Gale
1E - Nightblight
1F - Dark Night
20 - Dark Traitor
21 - Chaos Spell
22 - Nightfear
23 - Nightshade
24 - The Death
25 - The Hanged Man
26 - The Lovers
27 - The Moon
28 - The Fool
29 - The Devil
2A - Warrior's Bane
2B - Knight's Bane
2C - Hunter's Bane
2D - Hermit's Bane
2E - Beast's Bane
2F - Wizard's Bane
30 - Stonebane
31 - Waterbane
32 - Firebane
33 - Treebane
34 - Lightbane
35 - Nightbane  
36 - Health Charm
37 - Soul Charm
38 - Speed Charm
39 - Light Cross
3A - Hale Cross
3B - Divine Cross
3C - Summon Earth
3D - Summon Water
3E - Summon Fire
3F - Summon Wood
40 - Summon Thunder
41 - Summon Night
42 - Stonecall
43 - Aquacall
44 - Infernocall 
45 - Greencall
46 - Thundercall
47 - Nightcall

*0C Book Classifications* (Side note, you can buy books from a store and they will work like a power up book would be expected to do so.

00 - Power Book 
01 - Tolerance Book
02 - Insight Book
03 - Spiritual Book
04 - Graceful Book
05 - Swift Book
06 - Feng Shui
07 - Water Magic
08 - Fire Magic
09 - Wood Magic
0A - Thunder Magic
0B - Black Magic
0C - Secret: Might
0D - Secret: Rigid
0E - Secret: Awaken
0F - Secret: Reason
10 - Secret: Divine
11 - Secret: Thief
12 - Earthlore
13 - Sealore
14 - Firelore
15 - Forestlore
16 - Stormlore
17 - Darklore
18 - Piros' Diary
19 - BL Yokohama
1A - Book of Ideals
1B - Book of Ideas
1C - Secret: Sage
1D - Secret: Dreams
1E - Golden Grunty
1F - Silver Grunty
10 - Energy Sutras
11 - Spirit Sutras

*0D Item Classification*

00 - Fortune Wire
01 - Sprite Ocarina
02 - Fairy's Orb
03 - Nothing
04-1A - "Cannot be used." (Does nothing when used)
1A-FF - (Blank)

*0E Gott Reward Items Classification* 

00 - Grunt Doll
01 - Rainbow Card
02 - Yellow Candy
03 - Silver Scarab
04 - Ivory Barette
05 - Scarlet Plate
06 - Ruby Brooch
07 - Crystal Stone
08 - Golem Parts
09 - Vessel of Sky
0A - Aromatic Grass
0B - Chinese Food
0C - 3-Floor Tower
0D - Doll Amulet
0E - Magnolia Miso
0F - Scent of Gero
10 - Boxed Lunch
11 - Field's Deed
12 - Rouge Fragment
13 - Maiden's Plot
14 - Christmas Card
15 - Ice Bar

*0F Key Item Classification* (Sidenote, these items can be bought and they do show up in your Key Items, so you can technically buy Virus Cores, among other things)

00 - Virus Core A
01 - Virus Core B
02 - Virus Core C 
03 - Virus Core D
04 - Virus Core E
05 - Virus Core F
06 - Virus Core G
07 - Virus Core H
08 - Virus Core I  
09 - Virus Core J
0A - Virus Core K
0B - Virus Core L
0C - Virus Core M
0D - Virus Core N
0E - Virus Core O
0F - Virus Core P
10 - Virus Core Q
11 - Virus Core R
12 - Virus Core S
13 - Virus Core T
14 - Virus Core U
15 - Virus Core V
16 - Virus Core W
17 - Virus Core X
18 - Virus Core Y
19 - Virus Core Z
1A - Golden Egg 
1B - Grunt Mints
1C - Twilight Onion
1D - Snaky Cactus
1E - Oh No Melon
1F - Cordyceps
20 - White Cherry
21 - Root Vegetable
22 - La Pumpkin
23 - Mushroom
24 - Mandragora
25 - Piney Apple 
26 - Immature Egg
27 - Bear Cat Egg
28 - Invisible Egg
29 - Bloody Egg
2A - Epitaph 00
2B - Epitaph 01
2C - Epitaph 02
2D - Epitaph 03
2E - Epitaph 04
2F - Epitaph ?
30 - Harald's Note
31 - Grunty Flute
32 - Imp's Pin
33 - Imp's Praises
34 - Imp's Cross
35 - Imp's Crown
36 - Remedy
37 - Custom Remedy
38 - True Remedy 
39 - First Remedy
3A - Love Letter
3B - The Twilight
3C - Book of Law
3D - Book of Iron
3E - Spark Blade
3F - Paper Cloak
40 - Mad Opener
41 - Basin Shield
42 - Love Archery
43 - Plastic Sword
44 - Harald's Note 2
45 - Absolute Book
46 - Segment 1
47 - Red Sword
48 - Blue Boots
49 - Yellow Cap
(Long skip ahead...)
111-118 - Ryu BookI-VIII
119 - Marine Spear
11A - Demonic Sword
11B - Tonosama Sword
11C - Moon Knives
11D - Segment 2
11E - Segment 3
11F - M:Wavemaster
120 - M:Twin Blade
121 - M:Heavy Axeman
122 - M:Long Arm
Last edited by Xu Yuan on Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by hidora »

I didn't think there would be so much unused weapons ._.
Xu Yuan wrote:2E- Mizuchi (Isn't this already a Blade?)
I just checked on Quarantine item event list and the name of the Twin Blade one is Twin Mizuchi, not just Mizuchi.
Xu Yuan wrote:1F- Bloody Blades (Again? What?)
The first one is called Bloody Twin and the second is Bloody Blades.
Xu Yuan wrote:11- Steelblade (Why...? This is the name of BlackRose's starting weapon as well.)
There's no Heavy Blade called Steelblade. The first one is called Adventurer ._.
Though that may be because by the time you get to Quarantine she already threw it away (or is it a rare item?). The lowest level weapons BlackRose has on my Quarantine save file are the Shikisokuzeku (Lv18Rare) and the Blessed Blade (Lv22)

EDIT: just checked on Infection and she actually does have a Lv1 sword called Steelblade. Weird.

...and I didn't remember how awesome the Forsaken Light looks :v

PS: Oh god how I miss skeith's theme on my desktop whenever I play a not finished Infection save data :<
Xu Yuan
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

hidora wrote:I didn't think there would be so much unused weapons ._.
Xu Yuan wrote:2E- Mizuchi (Isn't this already a Blade?)
I just checked on Quarantine item event list and the name of the Twin Blade one is Twin Mizuchi, not just Mizuchi.
Xu Yuan wrote:1F- Bloody Blades (Again? What?)
The first one is called Bloody Twin and the second is Bloody Blades.
Xu Yuan wrote:11- Steelblade (Why...? This is the name of BlackRose's starting weapon as well.)
There's no Heavy Blade called Steelblade. The first one is called Adventurer ._.
Though that may be because by the time you get to Quarantine she already threw it away (or is it a rare item?). The lowest level weapons BlackRose has on my Quarantine save file are the Shikisokuzeku (Lv18Rare) and the Blessed Blade (Lv22)

EDIT: just checked on Infection and she actually does have a Lv1 sword called Steelblade. Weird.

...and I didn't remember how awesome the Forsaken Light looks :v

PS: Oh god how I miss skeith's theme on my desktop whenever I play a not finished Infection save data :<
Good to know that a lot of the redundancies were fixed from Infection to Quarantine, shows they have a pretty good Q&A department. And unfortunately a lot of those gibberish named weapons aren't unused. The majority are SIGN weapons, not yet implemented (though they still have their right graphics) or Rusty Nails-esque weaponry which are put into the next installments. Though if there are Any weapons to replace, those would be the ones to go for.

Also every single character (except Kite) joins the group with a unique weapon that only they will ever have. Event characters that you give a weapon to in order to join the group have a unique (terrible!) weapon that only they possess. For instance Natsume actually starts with the Kai and Sanjuro starts with the Zero Katana. Also here's one thing I did notice ever until recently. The Ends of Earth blade that Orca has, despite being level 11 is incredibly good! Even for him when you get him back. You can find each unique weapon at the end of each of their respective lists I posted, before Rare items. These are also candidates to change and turn into other items, since the majority of them are nothing to write home about and give the party members some decent weaponry (or starting weapons in the case of Natsume and Sanjuro, maybe start him with the Kikuichimonji to keep his Katana theme)

But I do have some rather important-ish discoveries I made tonight.

I found the location of monsters in the field and the dungeon, but does it ever work in a strange way, as a lot appears to work in this game. And I've marked down all of the monsters Hex identification (thank goodness it is the exact same as the Ryu books presents it, so thank you GameFaqs!) Unfortunately I couldn't load the phases, but I could load Anglemore, The Guardian, and the Dawn Wanderer to my great surprise. The phases are either separate (which is a good possibility, they have a great amount of data devoted purely to their functions) or that the game crashes when more than one could possibly be loaded.

Code: Select all

00 Razine
01 Swordmanoid
02 Gladiator
03 Ochimusha
04 Nobunaga Soul
05 Heavy Metal
06 Phalanx
07 Dark Rider
08 Dark Horse
09 Nightmare
0A Tetra Armor
0B Squidbod
0C General Armor
0D Porolin
0E Mummy Ripper
0F Mummy Scissors
10 Temple Knight
11 Holy Night
12 Hand of God
13 Cadet Valkyrie
14 Fresh Valkyrie
15 Valkyrie
16 Long Lived
17 Grand Mage
18 Grand Cold 
19 Grand Electric
1A Forest Hsien
1B Dark Guru
1C Earth Hsien
1D Inferno
1E Ancient
1F Evil Horn
20 Lich
21 Lich Lord
22 Dark Lord
23 Flamer
24 Fire Witch
25 Water Witch
26 Dark Witch
27 Hysteria
28 Druid Witch
29 Mad Witch
2A Earth Maiden
2B Spark Maiden
2C Dark Maiden
2D Wood Maiden
2E Flame Maiden
2F Madam Niagara
30 Kakasinger
31 Guardian
32 Metal Eraser
33 Metal Emperor
34 House Golem
35 Earthman Drill
36 Hou-Go&m
37 Hou-Go&m
38 Mu Guardian
39 Nega Guardian
3A ^u[G/&)<I=n
3B ^u[G/&)<I=n
3C ^u[G/&)<I=n
3D Comad Goo
3E Spin Figure
3F Drill Idol
40 &om<d Go=  
41 &om<d Go=  
42 Pippy
43 Chicken Hand
44 Wood Harpy
45 Death Crane
46 Harpy Queen
47 Phoenix Queen
48 Har*y/ue:n 
49 Aurora Feather
4A Rainbow Tail
4B Psyche Vision
4C A:ro*a Fe/th&r 
4D A:ro*a Fe/th&r  
4E A:ro*a Fe/th&r 
4F Monkey Crab
50 Snip Snap
51 Crab Turtle
52 Red Scissors
53 Squilla Demon
54 Hell Slicer
55 Mantis
56 Scorpoid
57 Scorpion Tank
58 Sc[rpioi^ 
59 Bat
5A Shield Man
5B Shield Devil
5C Maxwell
5D Wander Demon
5E Astro King
5F $nder^mo\  
60 $nder^mo\  
61 Ark Prince
62 Skate Rat Ark
63 Alucard
64 Watcher
65 Stare
66 Death Glare
67 Necrotic Eye
68 Moai
69 Rock Head
6A Mystery Rock
6B Easter Rock
6C Sand Hill
6D Sand Mountain
6E San=Hi/   
6F San=Hi/   
70 San=Hi/   
71 Stone Tuttle
72 Gaia Turtle
73 ^tonet= 
74 Minnow
75 Sky Fish
76 Arrow Fish
77 Star Fish
78 Smiley Ray
79 Big Eyes
7A Cycle Shark
7B Hammer Shark
7C Star Eater
7D Acanthaster
7E Dark Starfish
7F S=ar $at&r
80 S=ar $at&r
81 Gremlin
82 Goblin
83 Stehoney
84 Jonue
85 Stehnoney R
86 Jonue R
87 Stehoney T
88 Jonue T
89 Stehoney X
8A Jonue X
8B Hob Goblin
8C Zyan
8D Zyan R
8E Zyan T
8F Zyan X
90 Goblin Night 
91 Metal Goblin
92 Gob Machine
93 Albert
94 Albert R
95 Albert T
96 Albert X
97 Magical Goblin
98 Goblin Wiz
99 Voodoo Goblin
9A Martina 
9B Martina R
9C Martina T
9D Martina X
9E Cannibal
9F Starving Ogre
A0 Ogre
A1 IronBall Mania
A2 IronBall Freak
A3 IronBall Titan
A4 /onB=ll^$&a
A5 /onB=ll^$&a
A6 /onB=ll^$&a
A7 Little Doggie
A8 Sled dog
A9 Great Sled Dog
AA Sled Dog King
AB Hell Doberman
AC Hell Hound
AD Hades Hound
AE Cerberus
AF Flame Heads
B0 Black Death
B1 &erb&ru[
B2 Wiggle Snake
B3 Menhir
B4 Goil Menhir
B5 Statue Menhir
B6 Sphinx Menhir
B7 Fiend Menhir
B8 Limp Knife
B9 Disco Knife
BA Lambada Knife
BB Dust Curse
BC Cursed Blades
BD Sword of Chaos
BE Armor Shogun
BF Armor General
C0 Armor Evil
C1 Dragon Puppy
C2 Snakoid
C3 Lead Snakoid
C4 King Snakoid
C5 Green Wyrm
C6 Brown Wyrm
C8 Red Wyrm
C9 Blue Wyrm
CA  __ed^l]
CB The Bracelet
CC The Guardian
CD Dawn Wanderer
CE The Temptress Lover
CF Dalaigon
D0 Hydrosaurus
D1 Glygon
D2 Grangon
D3 Drygon
D4 Dalaigon Anec
D5 Gr=go&! 
D6 Parasite Dragon
D7 Gr=go&! 
D8 Gr=go&! 
D9 Gr=go&! 
DA Twinkle Grass
DB Mad Grass
DC Hungry Grass
DD Snappy Grass
DE Wood Stock
DF Thousand Trees
E0 W*dSto*k
E1 W*dSto*k
E2 Scarlet King
E3 Hackberry King
E4 Mushroom King
E5 Charmer
E6 Lamia Fighter
E7 Lamia Hunter
E8 Lamia Assassin
E9 Killer Snaker
EA Orochi
EB Ki/er S^&aker
EC Jealous Cobra
ED Neptune Medusa
EE VlitraMaster
EF Fake Money
F0 Mimic
F1 Hell Box
F2 Killer Box
F3 Deadly Present
F4 Pandora's Box
F5 Death Head
F6 Nomadic Bones
F7 Bone Army
F8 Skull Hero
F9 Living Dead
FA Franken
FB Undead Voodoo
FC Headhunter
FD Headhunt Lord
FE Headless King
FF He[dhu&__er 
100 He[dhu&__er 
101 He[dhu&__er 
102 Skull Devilgon
103 Pazuzu
104 Sk^ll De]ilG$n
105 Sk^ll De]ilG$n
106 Angolmore 
107 Magtumkuro
108 Ominous Skull
109 Maga*umk\ro
10A Maga*umk\ro
10B Wiggly
10C Deadly Moth
10D Phantom Wing
10E Moonlighter
10F Bee Army
110 Bee Assault
111 Bee Commando
112 Baby Worm
113 King Worm
114 Miasma Wyvern
115 Mugai Wyvern
116 Demon Wyvern
117 Odoro
118 Ecoplasm
119 Nosy Wisp
11A Halloween
11B Pumpkin Head
11C Pumpkin King
11D Specter
11E Dark Stalker
11F Shining Eyes
120 Astro Prince
121 Napylon
122 Mog Napylon
123 Org Napylon
124 Time Visitor
125 Dejected
126 Conqueror
127 Ti&e Vi^ito$ 
128 Ti&e Vi^ito$ 
129 Death Implant
12A Star Viking
12B Dark Asteroid
12C De[th I$p^a&t 
12D De[th I$p^a&t 
12E De[th I$p^a&t 

This is just a theory for now but I believe each keyword combination has a certain "Rank" applied to it, that is separate from level, here are my notes on the subject.

Dynamic Loading? When the first three instances of foe are changed in enemylist01 the area level of Busting Passed Over Holy Ground and Busting Passed Over March itself changes to reflect this. For instance if you put three Data Drain monsters in the field the place will turn to Level 0.

Why it would be only these two areas (that I could find) I do not know. Maybe I just got very lucky and the first instance of EnemyList01 refers to the field I had been testing for some time. They were both Water Element fields, but other Water Element fields I could find weren't also effected. It may also be some sort of invisible "Element Rank" that may differ for each element and keyword base used.


The first twelve bytes (3 in total) will show what monsters will appear on the field while the next sixteen bytes (4 in total) will show what monsters appear in the dungeon and if you are early enough in the dungeon the last monster in the field set will also show up in the dungeon. (Floors 1-2) If you're late enough in the dungeon the next four bytes of monster data will appear (Floors 3-5) and if you're near the end of a dungeon the next four bytes of monster data will appear.

Theory: I don't have a 5 floor dungeon to test this on, but its a good possibility that the four bytes after late dungeon ones appear only on B5, since that would make a uniform 20 bytes.

Field/Dungeon Monster Placement

00-03 First Field Monster
04-07 Second Field Monster
08-0B Third Field Monster/Early Dungeon Monster
0C-0F Dungeon Monster
10-13 Dungeon Monster
14-17 Late Dungeon Monster
18-1B Later Dungeon Monster
1C-1F Final Floor Dungeon Monster

In addition I was Completely (and thankfully) wrong about the range of the Gott Statue, there is not a 1/102 chance but something more akin to 1/6, well probably wouldn't put Extremely rare items in there at this point, but 1/6 is still a relatively low chance. All of my tests in Bursting Passed Over Holy Ground with savestates, after opening the chest 30 times it fell into a range of items that were Hand Armor and Armor for each armor set. This may go back to the matter of "Element Rank" discussed earlier. But as it stands finding specific Gott statue treasures seems more trial and error than anything that can be recorded and listed concurrently. Hmm... 102/6 would be 17, If the Element Rank for each server follows something from 1-3, that means each element has 3 Ranks per server, but I would have to wonder what the last 2 sections of treasure would go to. There are 46 Gott Treasure Lists each with absolute tons of lists so that will take a bit more research.
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by hidora »

What's with the empty 12F and 130 values there? What happens if you try those? Are there really monsters #304/305, or are those for when a portal opens with a treasure chest? (if so, maybe one is for regular and the other is for risky chests?) ._.
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by TheSorrow »

>mfw reading all of the new posts


Again, i don't know what to say D;
But this topic is definetly the best IMOQ topic i've ever read since.......Probably my own when i talked about Data Bugs HP and stuff D: lol

Thanks for answering my questions, so i see that non-party characters in Fields behave kinda similar to how they would in Root Towns (though fighting and using skills as they wish), while in Dungeons they just finish their fight (if in any) and just stay there doing nothing. Sweet c: Then there's no fear in getting trapped in dungeons because your ex-party members won't ever travel far from you and trigger battles on their own (thought it's still an interesting thought).

And i see now that, among all your uber-amazing findings you've done recently, you've found the data location of monsters and how to load them in fields (i guess...i got lost somewhere around there). So, have you attempted to load monsters into Root Towns or in Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground? Any interesting results if you've done it?
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by hidora »

TheSorrow wrote:And i see now that, among all your uber-amazing findings you've done recently, you've found the data location of monsters and how to load them in fields (i guess...i got lost somewhere around there). So, have you attempted to load monsters into Root Towns or in Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground? Any interesting results if you've done it?
I think it's more of a "when a magic portal opens, the monsters in this list will appear", so if the area doesn't have a magic portal (like towns or the cathedral), you can't put monsters there. Though there ARE some areas where monsters appear without opening magic portals (those monsters that roam freely through the fields)... /hum
Xu Yuan
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

hidora wrote:What's with the empty 12F and 130 values there? What happens if you try those? Are there really monsters #304/305, or are those for when a portal opens with a treasure chest? (if so, maybe one is for regular and the other is for risky chests?) ._.
That was just my supposition that two of the phases would occupy those spots, it was just an oversight I forgot to remove, good eye though. To my knowledge they are not Monster Data. It would be nice to know where the actor data is stored, for the Treasure Chest spawning routine and the like but I'm sure its not located anywhere in the enemylist's at least.
TheSorrow wrote:>mfw reading all of the new posts


Again, i don't know what to say D;
But this topic is definetly the best IMOQ topic i've ever read since.......Probably my own when i talked about Data Bugs HP and stuff D: lol

Thanks for answering my questions, so i see that non-party characters in Fields behave kinda similar to how they would in Root Towns (though fighting and using skills as they wish), while in Dungeons they just finish their fight (if in any) and just stay there doing nothing. Sweet c: Then there's no fear in getting trapped in dungeons because your ex-party members won't ever travel far from you and trigger battles on their own (thought it's still an interesting thought).

And i see now that, among all your uber-amazing findings you've done recently, you've found the data location of monsters and how to load them in fields (i guess...i got lost somewhere around there). So, have you attempted to load monsters into Root Towns or in Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground? Any interesting results if you've done it?
hidora wrote: I think it's more of a "when a magic portal opens, the monsters in this list will appear", so if the area doesn't have a magic portal (like towns or the cathedral), you can't put monsters there. Though there ARE some areas where monsters appear without opening magic portals (those monsters that roam freely through the fields)... /hum
It's as Hidora says, unfortunately. I just got extremely lucky that the field type I was dealing with was so close to the top of enemylist01. Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground, along with the 8 Phases battlefields are all considered event area, joining them is Bitter Fantasy Mirror World's outside and... curiously enough, the Bitter Fantasy Mirror World dungeon template, taken from another field all together and a number of the extra dungeons outsides. As much as I've wanted to try and decode events all of my attempts have ended with nothing of value discovered. Now I did record all of the ingame order of event areas (with a lot of help from MasterZED!)

I am not so sure yet what is special about generic fields that allow monsters to free roam.
And if that behavior can even be imported to event locations. I know there is a Magic Potral of course at the end of each of the bonus dungeon areas which contains the boss, but I couldn't find any of those locations through the event area manipulations I had done. I wonder if there's some file I'm missing that deals with Magic Portals I just haven't noticed yet, eh well...

As for today's progress I hate to say it, but its mostly been a bust. Since I couldn't figure out the models from inside the game's memory I decided to take another route, using HackPics I found the model and graphics data for Tsukasa and tried to place him over Kite, only to be met with a game that would no longer load... oy... that was a waste of time. There is definitely a model I want to see in there though. It seems to be an unused character which comes in the data long before any of the other characters. He looks to be a more vicious Moonstone, so to speak. I am sure it has been looked at and discussed before.

In the files there is some reference called "BuffForUnusedFellow" what's important to remember is that Fellow in the game's files seems to mean Party Member. Is it a possibility, that this could be the "UnusedFellow" mentioned?


This may be getting into conspiracy theory-ish territory, but do those 3 dots up there remind anyone of Skeith's eyes in G.U?

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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by hidora »

Xu Yuan wrote:As for today's progress I hate to say it, but its mostly been a bust. Since I couldn't figure out the models from inside the game's memory I decided to take another route, using HackPics I found the model and graphics data for Tsukasa and tried to place him over Kite, only to be met with a game that would no longer load... oy... that was a waste of time. There is definitely a model I want to see in there though. It seems to be an unused character which comes in the data long before any of the other characters. He looks to be a more vicious Moonstone, so to speak. I am sure it has been looked at and discussed before

In the files there is some reference called "BuffForUnusedFellow" what's important to remember is that Fellow in the game's files seems to mean Party Member. Is it a possibility, that this could be the "UnusedFellow" mentioned?
A more vicious moonstone? Is there any way to replace a character's model for this one? I'd really like to see how that UnusedFellow guy looks =O
Btw, you may want to look at this (dunno the differences, just saying).

Xu Yuan wrote:Image

This may be getting into conspiracy theory-ish territory, but do those 3 dots up there remind anyone of Skeith's eyes in G.U?
I think you went too far on that one lol
But what the heck would that symbol be?
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Xu Yuan »

hidora wrote:
Xu Yuan wrote:As for today's progress I hate to say it, but its mostly been a bust. Since I couldn't figure out the models from inside the game's memory I decided to take another route, using HackPics I found the model and graphics data for Tsukasa and tried to place him over Kite, only to be met with a game that would no longer load... oy... that was a waste of time. There is definitely a model I want to see in there though. It seems to be an unused character which comes in the data long before any of the other characters. He looks to be a more vicious Moonstone, so to speak. I am sure it has been looked at and discussed before

In the files there is some reference called "BuffForUnusedFellow" what's important to remember is that Fellow in the game's files seems to mean Party Member. Is it a possibility, that this could be the "UnusedFellow" mentioned?
A more vicious moonstone? Is there any way to replace a character's model for this one? I'd really like to see how that UnusedFellow guy looks =O
Btw, you may want to look at this (dunno the differences, just saying).

Xu Yuan wrote:Image

This may be getting into conspiracy theory-ish territory, but do those 3 dots up there remind anyone of Skeith's eyes in G.U?
I think you went too far on that one lol
But what the heck would that symbol be?
I had thought that what I had was supposed to be the more "advanced" version of that tool, considering what the readme was, haha! Thanks for this. The graphics are a ton clearer!

EDIT: In theory it should be rather simple to replace a model, in practice however it seems like its a fair amount more difficult to carry out.
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by Master ZED »

Xu Yuan wrote:In the files there is some reference called "BuffForUnusedFellow" what's important to remember is that Fellow in the game's files seems to mean Party Member. Is it a possibility, that this could be the "UnusedFellow" mentioned?

Pretty sure that's the Stuck? summon's character. Whatever the case, this topic looks like a good start toward something awesome. 8)
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Re: Hacking .hack//Infection (Changing Kite's Class!)

Post by TheSorrow »

Master ZED wrote:Pretty sure that's the Stuck? summon's character. Whatever the case, this topic looks like a good start toward something awesome. 8)
It be truth O8
He's supposedly a "Nosferatu" version of Jutah, Silent Bomber's main character (and the weapon carrying the skill is also called Silent Bomber). That curious symbol thingy is actually the logo of the game:

Interesting to find the skin-thingy there...but well, i suppose all enemies/entities/thingies also load their skin files from the same place as the characters. It really looks like it could be perfectly fitting for a usable PC though, rather than just a summon. Maybe their original idea was to include him as some sort of extra hidden character, but then scrapped the idea and just kept it as a summon, hence the "UnusedFellow"?
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